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Tsutako was in her room, combing her hair, she tied it into a braid, and made sure it looked as good as possible, when she heard a knock on her door.

Tsutako: Yes? 

She turned to see her little brother, Giyuu, coming in with what looked like a small box, but she couldn't see what it was.

Tsutako: Oh my god, what do you need now? You're always coming to my room.

Giyuu: Yeah, yeah, I know, but you know I don't come to your room unless I need help with something. Or if I'm just bored.

Tsutako: So, what's the box about?

Giyuu: Oh yeah, so you know that female maid that everybody hates?

Tsutako: Mhm, what about her?

Giyuu: It's come to my attention that she pushes around other staff in the palace.. so in this box is some security camera I bought in town a while ago. I want you to help me set it up.

He slowly brought into view the box, revealing the picture of a camera on it.

Tsutako: Huh.. it's a good idea, but what if she notices the camera? Maybe that's why she bully's the other staff.. I'll suggest to Mother and Father to use more security cameras around the place. Only having them around the vault is so weird. Nobody wants to break into this castle anyways. We have guards there too.

Giyuu: So.. um.. is that.. a yes?

Tsutako: sighs I have nothing better to do, sure, why not. Where do you wanna put it anyways?

Giyuu: I don't know, maybe we just walk around the castle until we find some place for this.

Tsutako: That's a stupid idea. 

Giyuu: But it's my idea, so we're doing it.

I know this chapter is really short, (not promising the next dp chapter will be any longer) but I did want to update this to let you know that I'll finish the story eventually.

the prince and his maid | giyushino | modern au |Where stories live. Discover now