1.6K 21 0

5:42 pm

Kanu: Okkk, we're here, the dining hall, there's the section for maids.

Shinobu: Is there a certain place we have to sit?

Kanu: No, but you will be assigned one if you cause trouble in the dining hall, you could sit with me today if you'd like.

Shinobu: Sure, not like I have anywhere else.

Kanu: Ok! We have to get some dinner first though, grab a tray, and help yourself to anything!

They both grab trays, and then start to get food.

Kanu: How about we sit.. over there!
While simultaneously pointing at a table with the number 098

Shinobu: Sure.

Shinobu follows Kanu to the table.

Kanu: Okey dokey! We can start eating now.

Shinobu gives a slight nod then starts to eat.

Kanu: Hey Shinobu,

Shinobu: Yeah?

Kanu: You see that girl over there?
While pointing to a girl with black hair that looked like it was mixed with brown.

Shinobu: Yeah, I see her, what about her?

Kanu: I would suggest staying away from her, her name is Latues Stama, the only reason they haven't kicked her off yet is because her cleaning skills are really good.

Shinobu: Why stay away from her though? She looks nice.

Kanu: She looks nice, if it were up to her, she would have kicked up to half the maids out by now.

Shinobu: Oh my.

Kanu: Also, I'm pretty sure she likes the prince, Giyuu Tomioka.

Shinobu: The prince..?

Kanu: Oh, right! You haven't seen him yet, he doesn't really talk much, but he's next in line for the crown.

Shinobu: Oh, ok.

Kanu: Anyways, we should head back now, it's getting dark, and we have a long day of work tomorrow.

Shinobu: Alright then.

the prince and his maid | giyushino | modern au |Where stories live. Discover now