44 | blood

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L O N Z O    M A T T I A

The pain in my shoulder is excruciating as I stumble backwards and grit my teeth. I've been shot before but when it's meant to be one of your best friends shooting you, that shit hurts a thousand times more than it should.

When I glance up Gabriel is still pointing his gun at me. My ears are ringing from the sound of the gunshot and Alexia jumps between us holding up her hands, trying to stop him from actually killing me.

He did once say he'd shoot me dead if I touched his sister.

I know for a fact he'd live up to that statement.

My hand wraps around my shoulder, blood pouring from the wound and I wince when I put pressure on it. It's not going to kill me but I need to get the bullet out and proper stitches before it becomes infected.

"Get out of the way, Alexia." Gabriel growls and I stabilise myself against the wall.

Through my blurry vision she shakes her head. "No."

Then she turns around to face me, her eyes exploring every inch of my body until they lay on the blood that is running down my arm. I meet her gaze and I see the instant worry and concern laying in them.

"Fuck," she mumbles under her breath. "God, are you okay?"

I grunt out a response. "Fine."

Alexia swallows and looks at the wound again, her throat bobbing quickly. I notice that her body is shaking, and her anxiety is radiating through her. She whips her head back over her shoulder and stares at her brother, that gun still between his hands. No doubt there are five more bullets inside and he will use them all if he wants to.

"Put the gun down," Alexia says through a quivering breath.

My heart throbs as I move my arm and I hiss silently at the joint rocks against the bullet that is wedged inside my flesh. "I said get out of the way!" He barks.

No," she stands her ground. "Don't do this. Please don't do this. I don't want more any more deaths, any more fucking blood. Just stop. Please. If you do this, I will never forgive you, Gabriel."

His nostrils flare in my direction. "That's rich coming from you."

"Please," she begs again. "Don't do this. I didn't come here for violence. I'm sorry that we didn't tell you but we knew this is exactly how you'd react. Gabriel, put down the gun."

I watch as Gabriel's hands begin to shake and I hate that it's aimed at her. I know Gabriel would never shoot her but the direction of the gun is making my stomach feel queasy. She's fucking blocking me for God's sake. How did I find this woman?

Gabriel's eyes flick between mine and his sisters frantically. He's obviously having a battle inside his head but he needs to convince himself of it. If he kills me, everything in his life will turn to shit.

After a few moments he drops the gun to his side and grunts out a curse word. He turns away for a second and runs his fingers through his dark hair. I get he's confused, that he feels betrayed and finding out like this is possibly the worst way.
"Fuck this," he spits before storming out of Alexia's bedroom.

When he's gone Alexia turns back to me quickly and grips my arm. "Fuck, Lonzo. You're bleeding badly." Her hands are now covered in my blood and I shake my head, hating the sight of it.

"I'm fine," I heave out. "I just need a doctor to get it out and give me some stitches."

She nods and hands me my phone so I can make a quick phone call. The doctor said they'd be here soon. I didn't hear the front door slam on the way out so I presume that Gabriel is still here, no doubt he has a million questions to ask us in the process.
Alexia grabs a sweatshirt of hers and begins to tie it around my arm. "Here," she says as she fiddles with making it as tight as possible. I bite down on my jaw to suppress a groan of pain and watch as she takes care of me.

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