32 | dirty company

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L O N Z O    M A T T I A

Today has been stupidly busy and things haven't been made easier with Jace's death. Try explaining that to an empire full of people who looked up to him. He said he didn't have any power but he definitely created his own little posse along the way.

But now Jace is gone which means we only have Landon left to deal with.

I can't wait to tear him down for what he's done, all the pain he's caused us. What he did to Alexia–all of it. I can't wait to rip his life from him and make him wish he never tried to use his power to scare me away. I will never back down from the life and empire I have built.

Zane's club opening is in two days and that's when we'll solidify our plan to get rid of Landon once and for all. It's refreshing to find someone who hates him as much as I do and I can smell the blood from here.

My eyes fixate on my laptop, Gabriel is out at the warehouse and has a meeting later with connections from New York. I decided to stay in the house today so I can get on with my work in peace without being distracted.

I haven't seen Alexia all day but I presume she's studying, that's all she's been doing this week and honestly–I'm worried about her. Gabriel is too and Jace's death is affecting her more than we expected.

She's better than she was but I'm still concerned about her.

I have no idea what she's thinking. I've barely seen her since we went for a little walk and I promised that I'd keep her safe. I'd truly do anything to keep that promise, no matter what and the thought shakes me to my core.

Never in my life have I cared for a woman. Not more than a good fuck.

But I know Alexia isn't just a good fuck and I can't believe I'm even thinking these things.

Not when I know Gabriel will shoot me dead if he knows what I've done to his sister, we don't need any more drama, any more distress. Peace forever until I die. But I know that won't be the case, not with what I plan for Landon.

It could go one of two ways but I want Alexia as far away from here as possible.

I focus my eyes back on the screen and try to get my brain back into gear but my eyes begin to burn. It's a few hours into the afternoon but I'm nowhere near done with today's work and that makes me groan internally.

There is a soft knock at my door and I glance up, resting back in my office chair.

"Come in," I yell and listen to the door click as it opens.

My eyes focus on Alexia as she peeks her head in. Her straight hair cascades over her shoulders, glasses sitting delicately on her face with a bunch of her books and laptop in her hand. I can tell she's tired because normally she doesn't have those purple circles under her eyes.

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