23 | be careful of him

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You know that saying–if looks could kill, I'd be ten feet under?

If looks could kill I'd have a bullet in my chest, most likely matching with Lonzo.

Gabriel flicks his eyes down to our hands. Not before I yank them backwards and dust them off on my leggings as if they somehow are poisoned from Lonzo's skin. I can't even read his expression because it is beyond any frustration or anger I've ever seen, except for those eyes that are practically shooting lasers.

"What's going on?"

Lonzo sucks in a quiet breath behind me and I swallow down my clammy mouth. It was merely seconds ago that I heard his laugh for the first time. The first fucking time. And I've never heard anything like it. It was rough and deep but at the same time, it felt full of life. Like he's been deprived of a good laugh for eternity.

He certainly doesn't seem like the person who would be caught watching a comedy movie, that's for sure.

"I heard a loud crash," I exhale slowly. "I thought someone broke in again."

Gabriel's brows dip so low that I'm ready for him to start shouting but instead he dips his gaze down to Lonzo's split knuckles. "What happened?"

I dare take a glance at Lonzo out of the corner of my eye. Panic runs through me. Lonzo stares at Gabriel and Gabriel stares right back. My chest begins to shake from the intensity of their showdown.

"I think you two need to talk," I declare loudly. Lonzo glares at me but I don't care. If he doesn't trust his underboss, then he needs to address it. Not cower away from it. And I know deep down Gabriel would never do anything to betray Lonzo–whatever has happened–Gabriel will have your back through and through. "It's obvious you've got shit to discuss and I know that it's none of my business. So I should leave."

Gabriel scoffs from across the room, folding his thick arms across his chest in an unimpressed manner. "Already looks like you're in the business, Alexia." He grumbles with intent. Especially the tone of my name. He doesn't like this. One bit. Maybe he's never heard Lonzo laugh either and he thinks I've broken him.

His gaze flicks to Lonzo who is still standing behind me. "So go on. Spit it out, Lonzo."

I can hear his loud sigh brush my ear. They spike because if anything I am interested in what's going on with them, why Lonzo feels like he can't trust my brother. Because whatever it is, it must be serious.

Lonzo clears his throat loudly and steps beside me, pressing a hand to his desk. I didn't want to stare into his threatening gaze but whatever we shared a few moments ago is long gone. Almost as if it never happened.

"Alright," he growls lowly. "You want to hear it?"

Gabriel hisses through his teeth, "Yes."

"Ray gave me information on Liam and Aaron's phones. Whoever sent those texts to them," Lonzo pauses for a second. "They've been at this house before. The IP address matches to this network. They sent the text message here."

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