11 | vicious business partners

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Despite everything going on at home with Alexia, I had to keep focused for my meeting today with Landon. Gabriel managed to get together the money that he wants for his stupid interest, but I'm intrigued into what else he's going to say.

Losing Landon as a business partner could be extremely dangerous for our own income, he helps us bring in a lot for my empire and I know we do the same for him but currently, he doesn't trust us. Not one bit. A part of me knows he wants to let loose for what we did—or what someone in my empire did—and shed some blood.

Landon is deadly. Has always been known for being deadly.

I've heard countless stories regarding his love life, the women that he's killed, the men that he's tortured, the things that he's done to innocent people because they seem to inconvenience him.

Which is why I feel like I tread on eggshells when I'm around him. I had to keep my mind clear for this meeting, razor sharp focus, and think about what I'm saying before I say it.

I'm not scared of Landon but I'm terrified of what he could do to my empire that I have spent years building up, growing connections with other businesses. Everything could go to shit with the click of his fingers and it is the last thing I need right now.

I hate myself for even being distracted but with Alexia in the house, it's fucking inevitable at this point. When she stumbled home with Jace late a few nights ago, I lost my shit. Completely.

But when I checked the security footage the next day—I didn't purposely mean to go so far back in time—I stumbled across Alexia's little play time with herself.

I knew I shouldn't be watching but I couldn't help myself.

And what makes it all the better is that it was straight after I bent her over the kitchen island and spanked her ass raw, her thighs slick and wet. Now I know she enjoyed what I did to her, despite her mouthy reaction.

She went back to her room and played with herself directly in front of the camera.

Oh boy, what a fucking sight it was. And as soon as my eyes fell upon the video, I knew right then that I had leverage over her. Including how fucking horny she was when she was drunk, almost begging me to fuck her.

Part of me wishes I could have a quick look inside her mind, I'd love to know what goes on in her brain when she looks at me, when I roughly grab her hair. She mouths off but inside, she wants it. Oh, she wants it so fucking badly.

If only Gabriel knew her dirty intentions—and mine.

I shake my head because I find myself thinking of her far too often and right now I need to keep my composure, I need to focus. I need to think about how I am going to address Landon without his need to draw his gun and threaten me into something I don't want to do.

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