24 | cocktail sausage

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L O N Z O    M A T T I A

"He's taken the bait," Zane says through the phone.

I smile to myself. "Great news. I always knew he was naive when it came to you."

Landon won't be for much longer. Not when we're going to tear him from the inside out and demolish every inch of his empire without remorse.

"I've already got my men ready for when we want to pounce."

I hum and run my finger along the edge of my desk. "Not yet. We need him to trust you even more before we invade. But this will give us a chance to get more information from him, give us an advantage."

"Of course," Zane says. "Dark Suite is almost ready and we can meet there without being followed or suspected."

Zane has just invested in his first luxury club. He's always been a man of taste, especially with the ladies and certainly the drink. But this gives us a new location to use with security and it's something we will need for our own sanity.

"When will the launch be?"

"The Saturday after next."

"I'll be there."

Zane inhales slowly. "It's good to be back in business with you, Lonzo."

I smirk to myself. "Likewise. I'm done with men like Landon. He doesn't make my job easier and I want to continue working with people I trust."

"Loyalty is the first thing we learnt," he comments.

"And that's precisely what I live by."

"As for the launch, I was thinking of investing with external parties for the time being and when everything simmers down, to then think abou–"

A loud shriek, groan or something you would class as a yell echoes from down the hall. It isn't a sigh of distress or fear, no it's one of anger and pure hatred. I glance to my closed office door and roll my eyes.


"Sorry," I clear my throat. "What were you saying?"

Zane continues to speak but before I know it the door swings open aggressively, puncturing the opposite wall with fierce rage. Alexia emerges, dark hair swept up into a ponytail with her black framed glasses sitting delicately on her face.

Despite the fact that she looks stupidly adorable, the expression on her face is not. It's like she could somehow set the world on fire with the blaze that is burning in her eyes. Zane is still talking in my ear but I'm not listening at all, not when Alexia looks like she's about to rip me a new one.

"I'm on a call," I say through gritted teeth.

Alexia scoffs and stalks towards me with heavy steps. "Harriet just told me that you decided to drop the server, meaning no Wi-Fi, no data."

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