Sorry for dropping such a heavy chapter on you :) this one will be lighter. 

Grian looked up at the spinning world. As he glanced at the tilting land, he saw two familiar faces, but it was so unlikely that he thought he was delirious at first. 

"T-Timmy? Joel?" 



" it really you?" 

"Yes!" he cried out, expecting to be met with smiles and welcomes. 

So he was taken aback when they turned away with cold blank faces. "Where are we and where are we going?" 

"You're on Empires. And you're going to the admin, who will need an explanation of why four people have appeared out of thin air." 

Jimmy- or Tim, as Grian liked to call him, had always been rather quiet and meek, so this shocked him more than anything else. "Four? Oh.... Scott." 

Now this was a bit of a problem. He knew that Scott hated him. The feeling was mutual, as Scott had nearly always been a nuisance. It had always been harder, he had reflection one morning, to steal stuff with a child-sized burglar alarm. 

(I love that sentence so much.) 

Also, because of his general cuteness, he had made it harder to do stuff with questioning morals. He provoked sympathy. 

(Yes. I'm bringing back a villain arc.) 

"Where is he?" 

"He's- um.." Timmy's face showed its first emotion so far. "I actually don't know." Grian ground his teeth. He hated not knowing the answers, to have to rely on someone else. Half the time they didn't even know it themselves. He was brought back to reality by Joel yelling, seemingly into the ground, "HEY! HAVE YOU SEEN SCOTT?" 

(Okay. I have a head cannon where Gobland stretches out across the entire world. Except for the shrine. We don't talk about the shrine. 

Hang on, what shrine? 

That's better.) 

He was even more suprised when the  ground answerd.  "Umm. Lizzie said she was him?" 

(I needed a place for a bedrock home and there was one in Animala by the end of the season. Tea party, anyone?) 

If he hadn't known better, Grian could have sworn he saw a faint blush rise in Joel's cheeks, but it was quickly replaced by a look of panic. Since when did he care about Scott? 

"Animala, why'd he want to go there? Blummin' eck, the only things there are the weird foxes and the.. BLOODY HELL! WE NEED TO GET THERE NOW!"

Truth- trust pt.2Where stories live. Discover now