Jimmy was free. 

For the first time in his life, he wasn't third best to anyone. 

Almost... popular. 

Back on Limited, he had always been ordered around by his brothers. Especially the eldest. Jimmy gave a little shiver. He had... not enjoyed being told  what to do and shouted at. He had never wanted to kill Ren. He had never wanted to run away. He had been the best at calming his mum down. But his brothers didn't like him being good at something, so he was forced to. At best. 

When Joel arrived,  he had been scared things were going to go the same way. But they hadn't- it seemed he was as glad to be rid of their overdemanding cousin as Jimmy was. That hadn't stopped the teasing though. 

Nothing would ever stop the teasing. 

And then... there was Scott. 

Scott... for someone who played a pretty major (pun not intended) part in the ruination of his life, Scott seemed to surprisingly like him. He didn't really know why. Joel, being Joel, had joked about crushes a few times, but he had always laughed it off. 

The com on his belt buzzed as he placed the last anvil on the railway connecting to an- no, the Other Part of Tumble Town. He mustn't call it Andy's room. 

Jimmys mouth fell open as he looked at the com, a nasty feeling in his chest. 

<Grian joined the game>

Dun dun dunnnnn

X's pov (first person) 

"I need to get Zed." I thought as I  paced around the start of the castle. Weaving in and out of alleys, I strode up the steps towards the drop down to the cave, and stood looking down into it. Empty. Except... over by the side, hunched in a ball, was that...? "Zed?" I yelled as I glided down. "You... good?" He obviously wasn't good,  so... "Do you... want to talk? Can you say anything?"

Nothing, except a gurgling hiccupy sob. 

"He.. ran." 

"What?" Okay, this was progress. "Why? Who?" 

Nothing. Just more crying. 

"Ask.. doc." 

"Okay.." I said uncertainty. "Do you want me to get anyone to help?" 

"I'm fine." He managed to stutter out. "Go." 

Something was wrong here.  I glanced at my panel to check the  coordinates of each player, but..

"Zed," I started, keeping my voice as level as possible, "when you say ran, where?"

He gestured weakly towards the  place everyone was banned from going near. 

Truth- trust pt.2Where stories live. Discover now