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Tonight I fall asleep alone, as I so often do

nobody beside me, as usual

the stars are my only company tonight

shining so bright in the night sky

as a coyote howls outside

but I feel more alone than ever.

Do you remember that night?

That night when I didn't feel so alone

because you stayed up with me for a good portion of that evening

and we joked about being pantless on that hot summer night

because you were in boxers, and I was in volleyball shorts

but there wasn't no hanky-panky because

you were in a motel that I wouldn't trust with my life

and I was in my own bed (which I don't trust with my life)

so we lied in beds laughing, pantless

and you said things that left me breathless

and I felt more alive

and loved than ever before

I didn't feel alone for once.

But the differences between that night and tonight

are that the breeze chills me to the bone

instead of relieving the heat from my body

I have pajama pants on tonight

because I'm too cold without your heat

the coyote howls because it's lonesome

not because it's rejoicing

the full moon isn't out, mesmerizing me

beckoning me with its bright light

which just makes my night


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