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Warning: Please don't read this. You won't understand this. It's a poem not meant for people to read. It's just something I wrote once, please don't think much of it. So, there's no need to comment, vote, or even read this. As I write this warning, I wonder why I'm publishing it, if I don't want anyone to read it. Fuck. Anyway, this is one of those poems you can just skip. Or read, I suppose. I don't know. It's sappy and silly and whatever. XD


The feeling I felt for you, I was so sure of.
You told me you loved me.
You said you love me.
Do you still, love me?

I know this is hurting you darling, it's hurting me too.
It wouldn't matter if it didn't hurt, hurting means it mattered.
It means it matters to you, it matters to me.
Does it still matter to you?

You thought you'd do this for my own good.
You thought I'd be best off without you.
You needed clarity, I was blinding.
Do you see what's happening now?

You want to try this again, in the future.
I want to have you again, in the future.
You promised you'll see me again.
Will you still see me again?

You keep your promises, I can tell.
You don't throw people away, I know that.
But what if you can't keep your promise?
What will I do then?

If you don't make it, I won't either.
If I don't make it, you won't either.
If all goes wrong, we'll never be again.
If all goes right, will we be together once again?

If I find someone new, know it's not going to last.
If you find someone new, will it last?
Will they replace me?
Will you love them, more than you ever loved me?

You said I was yours, and darling, I'm still yours.
Remember, you were mine and I was yours.
That hasn't changed, it won't change.
Will you still be mine?

I'm wasting my time writing this.
You're never going to read it.
You'll never know how I feel.
Do you know how I feel?

If you're feeling the same way, then promise me.
Promise me I won't lose you.
Promise me I won't lose your love.
Promise me?

I promise you.
I'll still be here, when the sun comes after the rain.
I'll be here for you. Because I love you.
Do you love me too?

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