Chapter Twenty Eight

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      The rest of the week was hectic for both Tarkan and Alara. Making sure that their classes were in order and Tarkan had to see to it that his assignments were all finished and ready to present on Monday. 

      But both of them were so excited they could barely sleep. They met every morning for coffee at the cafe in front of IFA, with each morning their excitement was more and more exuberant. " I can't wait to show you off to my parents. Oh and my little sister too, Emi. She's going to love you." He gushed. 

      By the time that Friday morning had arrived, Alara was almost in a state of panic, " Tarkan maybe we should wait until another weekend. This is your dads birthday and I feel like I'm intruding." She stammered about, wring her hands. 

      " So, are you saying that you're not going?" He asked, covering her fidgeting hands with his hands. " Look Alara, there's no better time than now. They want you to come, you heard it yourself, my dad said you were more than welcome." He spoke softly and calmly as he stroked her hands.

      She smiled, " I know.... And you're right, this is the perfect time. It's just I've never met anyone's parents before. It's a big step, you know. I...I... it... Are we making a statement here. Is this the beginning of something more?" She stuttered, her eyes pleading with him to give her the right answer.

       " Yes Alara, it is the start of our life together. This weekend will set the scene for the next step. I want you to meet my family, and I want to meet yours. That will be our beginning." He explained, as he leaned across the small table, giving her a kiss. " Don't worry, this weekend will be special, there's no doubt about it."

      Sanem was always excited when her husbands birthday rolled around. The first celebration was always with their family first, a small quiet dinner at home with just their children. After that the rest of the Aydin and Divit family would celebrate with them.

      Mevkibe was always the one to fix Can's favorite dishes, even for their family dinner. She wouldn't have it any other way but to bring the dish over for their dinner. " So Tarkan will be home for dinner tomorrow night won't he?" She asked when she dropped off the food.

      Sanem smiled, " Yes, he's coming home tonight. But he is acting strange. He forgot his fathers birthday...can you believe that. I called him to get his flight information so we could pick him up, and he he said he had forgotten."  Mevkibe patted her hand, "He has a lot on his mind right now dear. I'm sure it wasn't intentional." She stated.

      Sanem smirked, " Huh, I think you're right mom, he does have a lot on his mind. He is bringing  a girl home with him for us to meet." She huffed. Mevkibe could tell her daughter was less than pleased with the presence of another woman in Tarkans life. " Oh really, must be serious if he's bringing her here from Paris." She remarked..

      Sanem filled her in on what she knew about this new girl that would soon invade their family. Her mother was always ready to give advice, " My dear daughter, trust your son. Trust him to find the person that gives him life. You and Can have raised him well, let him live it. Just remember how you and Can knew from the very beginning that your life was meant to be lived as one." 

      Her words had always made her feel better, but she was still not sure if she was ready to see her son with like that. " Ok mom, I'll try. I know it's time for him to find his way in life. At least the girl is Turkish and comes from Istanbul."  She added with a smile.

      Tarkan and Alara took a taxi to the airport, arriving in plenty of time. He was more excited than ever to get home. He had been home for several months and if he was to be honest with himself, he was beginning to miss his family.

      As they boarded the plane and got settled in their seats, he could tell that Alara was even more nervous than before. " Alara, will you calm down a little. It's all going to be fine, you'll see." He told her reaching for her hand. 

      She closed her eyes and leaned back in the seat, " I know, but you don't know my dad. Sometimes he isn't the easiest person In the world to convince." She mumbled as she began to regret her decision.

      Tarkan leaned over next to her, "Don't worry, I will turn on all my charm when I meet him. He won't  be able to resist me." He whispered loudly, making her giggle. " See I can even make you laugh when you are feeling scared, I tell you, it's the Divit charm." He said, giving her a wink.

      " Ok, I believe you. But tell me about your mom and your dad, please. I want to know what to expect when we walk into the door of your home." She pleaded, wrapping her arms around his and snuggling up close to him. 

      Tarkan nodded, " Ok, if it will make you calm down a little then I will tell you. My dad, dad is great. He's strong, smart, understanding and he loves my mom more than anything in this world. He has been all over the world taking photos for magazines. But that was before he met my mom." He explained.

      Alara turned to him, her eyes dancing with excitement, " So, it was love at first sight with your dad?" She asked. " Was it the same with your mom too? How did they meet... where did they meet?" She gushed.

      Tarkan laughed, " Ok, ok.... Hold on and I will tell you. My dad has told me the story of their love many times, and I never got tired of hearing it. But it might take me a while to tell you the whole story." 

      Alara rested her head on Tarkans shoulder, " That's ok, I'm ready to listen to it all. I love hearing about fairytale love stories. So your dad was a photographer.... was he famous?" She asked, nudging him to continue.

      Tarkan settled back and began the story of Can Divit and Sanem Aydin. " Yes, my dad was quite famous for his photography, but that was years ago. He came home to visit his dad in between assignments and my grandpa convinced him to stay for a while and help him out in his agency." He explained. " That was about 26 years ago, and my dad never left, well he did leave, but he came back.....  he came back for my mom."

      " Your mom? .... So he met your mom at the agency. What kind of agency was it?" She asked, her heart being reeled into this beautiful love story.

      Tarkan smiled, " It's an advertising agency, in Istanbul. One of the best, too. My dad runs it now, along with my uncle." 

      For the next two hours Tarkan told Alara all about how his parents met, the differences between them, and the love they had for each other. And along with that, he had to tell her about all the pitfalls of their love as well. 

      " You mean his own mother tried to keep them apart. She tried to destroy your mom?"  She asked, her eyes filled with tears. " Tarkan, that's terrible. But it didn't work, right." She said with panic in her voice.

      ", it didn't work. But it did hurt my mom very much. And my dad never forgave his mom for it." He snipped. " And neither did I. She was never in our lives, dad made sure she never hurt my mom again." 

      Alara was mesmerized with the story, hanging on every word, " Tarkan, your parents really did have a fairytale love story..... I can't wait to meet them now...

      " Yes they did. My dad always told me, he knew he loved my mom before he ever saw her....He fell in love with her scent first...     

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