Chapter Twenty Four

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      Can stood holding phone in his hand, staring blankly at it. " A girl, a girl is the reason for his actions. Why didn't I think of that before." He thought, amused at how he had missed the signs. He remembered the conversation he had with Tarkan a few weeks ago,, almost demanding that he go out with his buddies and have fun..... I guess he took my advice..

      Tarkan jogged a few blocks down the street away from Alara's flat before stopping at a small park. He was glad it was early in the morning and the park was nearly deserted, only a couple of people walking their dogs. 

      He sat down on a bench, glancing at his phone. It had been 10 minutes since his dads phone call, that meant he had 5 minutes to come up with an explanation before calling him back, and it better be a good one. 

      He set up a couple of scenarios in his head, hoping that he could pass them off as the truth to his dad. He had never lied to his dad before, to some that might seem odd, but he had never felt the need to. His dad had always trusted him, encouraged him and most of all accepted his why would time be any different.

      With a new found sense of determination, he turned his phone on and tapped his dads number.....

      His dad answered on the first ring, " Tarkan, it's a good thing you called, I was just getting ready to call you back. Son, what's going on...and I expect the truth." He said calmly, almost to calm, Tarkan thought.. 

      Tarkan breathed in deep, " Dad I'm not going to lie to you, I never have." He spoke quietly, feeling the tears well up in his eyes. He had always respected his parents, and the love they had for each other. He wasn't sure how his dad would react to the news of Alara, so maybe he wouldn't reveal everything at one time.

      " Yes dad, I met a girl. But it's nothing serious. So please don't jump to conclusions." He stated  quite boldly and confident. He chuckled, " I took your advice dad, I'm just having some fun." 

     Can listened to his son, not quite sure if he believed him or not, but was willing to hear him out before giving his opinion. " So where did you meet this girl?" Can questioned. Tarkan knew he would have to tell him the truth about how they met and where, " Oh we met a while ago in a club not far from the school. But like I said, it's nothing serious." He repeated, with a little more conviction this time...

      " But serious enough for you to spend the night at her place, isn't that right Tarkan. I hope you are respectful of her?" He added. He had always taught his son to treat any woman with respect, no matter what. 

     Tarkan rolled his eyes, "Of course dad. It was nothing like that. We ate pizza and watched a movie, and I feel asleep. That's all. Nothing is going on." He explained, hoping that his dad would accept his explanation. He hadn't lied...nothing happened....but that didn't mean he hadn't wanted it to.....he thought, as he relived the night before.

      " Ok son, if you say so. So what is this girls name?" Can asked. Tarkan released the air that he had been holding on to in anticipation, " Her name? Oh....uhh, her name Alara, and she's from Istanbul. Can you believe it.... I met someone from Turkey." He joked, ready to end this conversation with his dad.

      " Look dad, I'm sorry but I need to get home. I have some class work I need to finish for Mondays class. Can I call you back later....and dad, don't tell mom. She will just make a lot more out of it than what it is. You know her...Ok?" He pleaded, knowing it was falling on deaf ears.

      Can smirked, " Tarkan you know I don't keep things like this from you mom, but don't worry I will make sure she knows it's not serious." He told him. " Son, just be smart about it...if you know what I mean." Can added before ending the call.

      Sanem stepped out into the backyard just as Can was ending the call, " Babe, who are you talking to? It better not be the girl from the bakery that's always making eyes at you when we go in." She said jokingly, wrapping her arms around his waist. Can grasped her arms, " No, it wasn't her,  but you have a thing to worry there. I was talking to our son." He said, turning to face her.

      She smiled, " did you find out what's going on." Can knew his wife wouldn't take Tarkan news as calmly as he had, so he needed to proceed with caution. " Well, it seems that Tark has become acquainted with a Turkish girl there in Paris." He held his hand up before Sanem had a chance to object, " Honey, he assures me that there is nothing serious going on. They are just friends." 

      Sanem nodded, " And you believe him. Can you have never been one to see what is right in front of you eyes. If he is adamant about it not being serious, then you can be sure he's more serious about her than even he knows." She snipped.

       Tarkan headed down the street toward his apartment. " Why did he have to call at that moment. Why did Alara have to wake up. Why is everything so complicated."  He mumbled quietly to himself. He hope they guys would still be asleep, as he turned his key in the lock in the door. " That's all I need is for Kaan and Burak to find out I stayed at her place last night, and nothing happened." 

      The place was quiet, so he headed straight for his room. He stripped off his clothes from the night before and put on his workout clothes. Deceiving his dad over the phone is one thing, but trying to deceive his friends is totally different. 

      Tarkan was sitting at the table enjoying his first cup of coffee when Kaan staggered into the kitchen, " Hey, you have already worked out. What time did you get in last night. Oh, man you should have came with us, there were more girls there than ever before. I think I might have found my dream girl." He gushed, flopping down in the chair next to Tarkan. 

      " Oh really, again. I thought you found her last week." He replied with a laugh, avoiding eye contact. Kaan leaned back in his chair. " Oh but this girl is perfect. Long blond hair, and long legs to match." He whispered with his eyes closed. 

      " Hey, you didn't answer me....what time did you come in. We got in about 2 am and you weren't home." He asked, looking his way. That look of embarrassment flashed like a neon sign on his face..

      " Tark.... You didn't.. you stayed with her. Did you?" His eyes open wide as he blasted him with questions. He jumped up from his chair, " Answer me boy, did you stay over with Alara. Damn, I can't believe it." He shouted, laughing and slapping him on the back.

      Burak opened the other bedroom door quickly, " Wants going on in here, Kaan have you lost your mind. I'm trying to sleep in." He yelled, giving him a shove. Kaan laughed, " Burak, our boy here got lucky last night.....for the entire night. Tarkan Divit just got home from Alara's." He announced.

      He took a deep breath..... " Guys it's not what you think.... It was all innocent. We drank too much and fell asleep"..... But it was the best night of my life"  He muttered, the feel of her body entwined with his still vivid in his mind...

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