Chapter Five

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      Sanem could tell that Can was more than excited that his friend was coming for dinner. He busied himself around the kitchen preparing all of his favorite dishes. 

       It had been a while since they had entertained and to tell the truth she was a little nervous. Her job was to make sure the house was spotless and neat and Can's was to make sure they had a fabulous meal. " I can help you, you know. I have cooked a few meals over the years." Sanem sniped.

      Can nodded, " I know honey, but I like to do it. You just make yourself beautiful and I will do the rest." He said, giving her a pinch on the cheek. " Ok, have it your way. But it's almost 6:00 and Tarkan will need to have his dinner soon, it almost his bedtime." 

      Can quickly dished up a small amount of pasta and sauce for Tarkan. Sanem got him settled in his chair for his dinner time. Tarkan always insisted on feeding himself, it didn't matter the food or the color of it. So, it didn't take long for the pasta and red sauce to be equally distributed around the dining room, as well as on Tarkan and Sanem.

      " Son, please let me help you. You are making a mess." Sanem pleaded. Can turned to give her a hand, but the doorbell rang at the same time. " He's here....Sanem you have pasta in your hair." He told her, laughing at the sight of them both as he headed down the hallway to answer the door.

       " Akif, you made it. Come on in, but beware of the food monster, he seems to be on a rampage." Can said, welcoming in Akif with a hug. Sanem was  trying to clean the red sauce from Tarkan's face as Akif walked in, " Sanem, it's so good to see you." He said, reaching in for a hug.

      She waved her hand at him, " I wouldn't if I were you. I'm covered. Let me get us cleaned up and we'll be back. But yes, it is good to see you too." She said as she gathered Tarkan up in her arms and rushed down the hallway.

      Can laughed, as he motioned for Akif to sit. " And that's life with a two year old. But you know what it's like, since you have been through it."  Akif nodded, " I do, but to tell you the truth, I never thought I would see the day that Can Divit would be dealing with a two year old." He remarked with amazement. 

       The same thoughts had been in Cans head as well, " I know, I think of that sometimes too, but I can't imagine my life without them, either of them. I don't even want to think about it." He answered, as the tears began to well up in his eyes. 

      Can motioned for Akif to sit, " Here, have a seat. A drink? I have tea, coffee, or a whiskey if you prefer." Akif smiled, " Tea is fine. Maybe a whiskey later, after dinner. But I'm a bit surprised that whiskey wasn't the first think on the list." He replied with a laugh.

      Sanem and Tarkan entered the room all scrubbed clean and presentable, " Ok, now Akif I will take that hug." She joked, reaching out for her old friend. He had been one of the few people that had believed in Can and Sanem from the very beginning. They had a special bond, even though he considered himself a brother to Can, he also knew the hard line principles that he had. The last thing he had wanted was for Can to turn his back on Sanem because of those principles.

      The dinner was delicious, of course, and having time with Akif was great. After a little play time with Tarkan's new found uncle, it was time to put him to bed. 

      The subject of Metin had been avoided during dinner and while Akif was getting to know Tarkan. But they all knew it would come to that sooner or later. " So Akif, Can tells me that you are here for Metins wedding. It was today, right?" Sanem asked, willing to be the first to open the conversation.

      Akif quickly glanced at Can before answering, " Yes, yes it was in fact. It was earlier this afternoon." He said, thankful that Sanem was the one to address the topic. " it was a beautiful ceremony, but there weren't a lot of guests." 

      Sanem knew Can had a bit of remorse for all the bad feelings that still remained between him and Metin.  The fact that Metin had openly expressed how he felt about Sanem to Can had been the breaking point for him. But the initial problem which came from Metin business dealings with Huma behind Cans back was the think he regretted most.

      Akif nervously cleared his throat, " But there was one thing that I found out at the wedding. It seems that Metin is going to be a father." He announced, trying to deliver the news as calmly as possible. 

      Sanem covered her mouths with her hands, " Really." She said, trying not to gasp. " Do you know his wife. Was it someone he has know for a while?" She asked, her curiosity at its peak. 

      Can smirked, " Metin was never a spontaneous person. So I'm sure she had to wait until he got her pregnant to pop the question." 

      Sanem slapped at Can's arm, " Can, stop. We don't know the circumstances, so be nice." She mumbled to him, giving him a look of reprimand.

      " Well it was something like that actually. But no, they hadn't known each other that long. She works in his office as his assistant." He explained. " He told me she started working for him about a year ago, but was engaged to another man, but she quickly broke it off with him."

      Can shook his head and rolled his eyes, " Typical Metin behavior. Always trying to get someone else's woman."  He spoke, the words coming out bitter and before he had time to stop them. 

       As the conversation continued, Akif revealed a few more things that shocked both Can and Sanem. The fact that Metin was 36 years old and his new wife was only 23 years old made their eyebrows raise a little. 

       " And what did her parents say about all of this. I'm sure they hadn't expected her to break her engagement vows to one man to then get pregnant by another in such a short time." Sanem questioned. 

      " No, i'm sure they didn't. But Iwill tell you, the union table was a little sober, if you know what I mean.  This was not Metin's ideal situation, and her parents were very cold acting toward Metin." He explained.

      Can clapped his hands together, " Well enough talk about Metin. How long are you staying Abi. I would love to get together again. Maybe a little game of football with Emre tomorrow. I think I can hide from the agency for a few hours." 

      " Ah, I would love it my friend, but I have to leave in the morning. I can't leave the family alone  too long you know." He added. " I know you don't want to talk about Metin anymore, but I wish you had gone with me last night to his bachelor dinner. He asked about you, I think he was hoping you would come." 

     Can shook his head, " Don't try and make me feel guilty. This was Metins decision, as always. And besides, he didn't invite me, or invite us to the wedding......

      " There are some things that just can't be overlooked Akif.  Metin knew what he was doing, and didn't care." He hesitated for a minute, " It's better this way. We are both too head strong to let things go" ...... 

      Even the sound of those words made him feel sad. There had been so many times that they had been there for each other......but he wondered if Metin had really meant the promises that they had made to each other all those years ago.....

      Akif had always been the one to mend the riffs between these two, even in boarding school. Even though Metin and Can were as close as brothers, there were times when Metins jealously of Can overtook him. That's when Akif would step in and make things right again.

      He threw is arms in the air, " Ok, have it your way. But one day the two will have to face each other again, and I want you to remember the things we went through....together." Akif said to him. " We made pledges, and held each other to those pledges for years. Just think about it."

      Can lowered his head, " I know Akif, and I will think about it." He told him, giving him a long hug at the doorway.

      Can watched his friend get into the taxi and drive away..... reliving the same sadness he had as a young boy in boarding school.....Was Akif right, would he one day have to face Metin and make things right between them.....

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