Chapter Eighteen

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      The drive into the agency was just long enough for Sanem to ask him a hundred questions about Metin and the new client. " So Metin is Mr. Sahin's attorney. I wonder why he felt the need to bring his attorney along on your first meeting. Are you sure he didn't know that you and Metin were friends once upon a time." She spoke, peering out the window.

      " Don't read more into this than necessary my love. I will get along with Metin, don't worry. In fact he was pretty cordial. Said to tell you hello, and he hoped you were doing ok." He told her, reaching for her hand. 

      Sanem nodded, but wasn't as sure of Metins motives as Can was. " I'm sure Akif will be happy to know you will be working with Metin again." she remarked, as she felt a little twinge of dread suddenly nip away inside her.

      The last conversation she had with Metin had not been a pleasant one. Even though it was over twenty years ago, she could still feel the betrayal from a person she thought to be her friend.      

      Knowing how he tried to destroy Can, and keep them apart, was never far from her mind. She would probably never be able to forgive him for using her in trying to hurt Can. She never once believed that Metin was in love with her back then, she was just a weapon he used.

      Can was already worried about Metin weaving his way back into the agency and into their lives. "But what if he had changed? What if he was really sorry for what happened all those years ago." Can wondered...... " Babe, I think it would be best if you don't get involved in this campaign.  Just let Deren and I handle this one, Ok?" He urged, gently stroking her cheek.

      Sanem smiled slightly and nodded, " Ok, but is that the way we are going to handle that. Banish me from my work so I don't have to confront him." Sanem snipped. The last thing she wanted was to come between Can and Metin and the possibility of them reforming their friendship, but there were still a few things she wanted to say to him..

      Alara waved to the waitress, " Sophie, could I get the check please." She called out to her. Tarkan sat upright quickly, as if he had been poked in the back with a stick, " You're not leaving are you. I thought we......I, uhh, I thought we might take a walk or something." He stammered awkwardly, wanting desperately to keep her there, even if it was against her will.

      " A walk? I'm sorry, but I have some work to do before I meet my friends later on. But you can walk me to my flat, if you want." She offered. He jumped up, " Yes, yes. I will, I mean I would love to walk you home." He replied as he reached for her check from Sophie's hand. 

      Alara snatched it from him, " Oh no you don't. I will take care of my own coffee." She glared at him as she reached into her bag, pulling out some money and laying it on the table, along with the check. 

      " Of course. I..." He began, but she stopped him. " Look, I don't know you, and I don't want you to get the wrong idea. We had a nice chat, but nothing that indicated I wanted you to buy my coffee." She snapped, turning to walk away.

      " But wait,....can I still walk you home. I would love to spend some more time with you." He blurted out as he rushed along behind her. 

      She turned to look at him, her dark brown eyes peering at him. He hadn't noticed it before, but she was at least a foot shorter than him, so she had to look up to be able to look him in the face. " Well, for one thing, I asked if you wanted to walk me home....but I didn't ask you to buy my coffee. So yes, you can still walk me home." She spoke, poking her finger on his chest.

      Tarkan couldn't keep from laughing at seeing how agitated she was. " So, I'm sorry if I misunderstood. No to coffee, but yes to walking you home." He answered, holding up his hands as if to surrender to what ever she wanted.

      She stared intently at him for a second. The closeness of him sent a wave of goosebumps through her body and her throat became almost too dry to speak. But then a slight smile inched across her face, " Yes, I guess that's what I'm saying." She said, her voice sounding happy and chipper as she flipped around and headed out the door.

      Tarkan was quick to follow as they headed down the street. " I don't live far, so it won't take us long to get there." She announced as they strolled along the canal. He wasn't sure how he was going to prolong this walk to her house, but he knew he wasn't ready to say goodbye to her just yet.

      " Do you share your house with anyone?" He asked, immediately regretting the question. " I mean, you're not alone are you. I share a flat with a couple of my buddies." He added, quickly realizing he was digging himself a hole. He took a deep breath, hoping he hadn't completely blown it with her.

     She laughed, a true heartfelt laugh, " I know what you mean Tarkan, and yes, I have a roommate. She also studies at the academy. This is her first year, but my second year." 

     He nodded, " It's my first year at HEC. A couple of more years and I should be able to start making some money. That is up the name of the game....making money." He replied, beginning to feel more at ease just being next to her. 

      She spun around to look at him, " Well not to everyone. I want to be known for my designs. I want to work with some of the most elite designers, all over the world." She told him, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she spoke.

      He was mesmerized by her, her poise, her energy, her confidence. There was not a doubt in his mind that she would do just that, as he watched her explain to him her dreams.

      " I want to see my designs on a runway in every country. Italy, Spain, Germany and America." She looked at him shyly, " I know, you think I'm being silly. But I have always dreamed of that. My name in lights, hanging up above the long runway." She chuckled, as if she was embarrassed at what she was telling him.

      Tarkan could take his eyes off of her. She was radiantly glowing as she spontaneously revealed to him what she intended to be. He was completely caught up in what she was saying. 

       " Ahh, this is my flat." She said in the middle of explaining her life's dream. " Thank you for walking me home...and listening to my ranting of what I want to be when I grow up." She said, followed by a laugh. 

     A laugh that was spellbinding..... a laugh that was so beautiful it seemed to vibrate to the very core of his being.....

     That sound was still ringing joyfully in his ear when she touched his hand, " Hey, why don't you come to the club tonight. Bring your friends. We are going to be at Club Josephine's." She said.

      The touch of her hand on his had rendered him almost speechless and breathless....But after a moment, he finally managed to respond....

" Sure..... I'll be there." He mumbled... 

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