28. Paranoid

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Amari's P.O.V.

The second Marshall and I step off the plane, we are accosted by the reporters, all shouting questions at him and snapping pictures.

The rumors of Eminem dropping from the European leg of his Anger Management Tour right before he was supposed to perform the now canceled shows in Manchester having already reached Detroit by the time we have landed there.

"Eminem, how come you have canceled your tour like that, with so many shows left to perform?"

"Why disappoint your fans like that, Marshall?"

"Will all those people that had paid to the tickets to see you at the venue in Manchester get their money back?"

"Eminem!! Right over here!!"

"Are the rumors true that you are heavily addicted to sleeping medication and that's the reason you are burnt out?"

"Is that why you had canceled the show, because you are addicted..."

All I can think is God, these people are relentless.

Marshall and I are practically surrounded by his security at this point, trying to make our way to his car that's waiting for us at the end of the landing strip, but we can barely make any progress with all of the cameras flashing ans microphones being shoved in his face.

Marshall remains quiet, his face betraying no emotion. But I can tell how annoyed he is by how his jaw is set and how he's pressing his lips together, as he continues to move through the reporters, dragging me behind him.

Paul Rosenberg is stepping out of the plane behind us and he is facing the reporters.

"As my client has already stated before, the reason for the tour cancelation is for his mental health. My client is in fact exhausted and is going to be checking into rehab until he is feeling better and we ask you all to be respectful and for your patience. And of course the money had already been returned to all of the patrons that had spent it on tickets and we sincerely apologize for..."

Paul's voice fades away, the further me and Marshall manage to get away from the plane. Lost in all of the murmurs in the crowd and all of the questions still continuously being yelled at Marshall.

Obviously, Paul isn't going to tell them the truth.

And that truth is that Marshall ending his tour had nothing to be with him being exhausted. That was just an excuse he and Paul eventually came up with after they had finished their screaming match with each other the morning after what's happened in Barcelona. Marshall had decided, even though I had tried talking him out of it, that after what's happened it would be best for us to go back to Detroit. He knew that I wouldn't be exactly up to all of the traveling and touring and just wanted to be somewhere quiet and alone, but that didn't mean that HE had to stop what he was doing, and I had told him as much. I never wanted to hold him back from doing what he loves. All he had to do was just send me back to Detroit on my own, but he refused to do that.

After my rape he's been way more posessive and protective of me to the point where I can hardly breathe to be honest. He feels like he has to be with me and by my side at all times.

Ironically enough though, it also now feels like he can barely even look at me.

I don't know how to explain it exactly, but while always there for me and extremely attentive to all of my needs, he also... is distant with me in a way that's sort of hard to explain, but I can feel it all the same. If our eyes meet he would look away. He holds my hand in public but drops it immediately whenever we are alone. We sleep in the same bed but he won't touch me. And it's not like I even particularly want sex these days, not after what's happened to me. But... I'd still like to be held and just feel a closeness to my boyfriend. Marshall held me a lot on the night that it all happened. After that night though, never again. And it hurts. I'm wondering if I disgust him now, if I feel dirty to him now or something. But I'm too scared to ask him that.

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