18. Dangerous

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Amari's P.O.V.

A lot has happened to me in the past couple of weeks.

Marshall has been trying to call me non stop, but I've been ignoring him. Something about finding out your man(?) got your ex and your former friend killed and also apparently one of his bodyguards as well (I've looked that up, and that security guy DID die in a freak accident while working out at the gym, his death ruled out to be just that, no foul play suspected by the law), it just sort of puts you off of that relationship, you know. Kind of freaks you out.

So, I've been staying away from Marshall, praying every day that he won't just pop up here in Boston and come ambush me at either my job or my apartment like he's done in the past. Well, the job thing anyway, not the apartment anyway.

I've also been questioned briefly by the cops regarding Jonathan and Stephanie's deaths. Not anything serious, but just a routine procedure since I did know the both of them, Tonya has been questioned too earlier.

"So, Miss Jenkins, can you tell us when was the last time you have been in contact with either Miss Rose or Mr Dawson?" The police detective asked me, sitting right across from me, aware of the fact that I cannot hear and need to read his lips to understand him. I was offered a translator prior to being questioned but declined it.

I sit there and tell them the honest truth. How the last time I've seen Jonathan, we haven't actually parted at the best terms because he's gotten into a fight with my then boyfriend, and as far as Stephanie was concerned, we worked together, so we had to interact with each other daily, but we were not exactly cool with each other. Her sleeping with Jonathan and all, back when he and I were technically still together. I see no reason to lie about any of it since I'm not actually guilty of anything, but if I did lie and the cops found out, it would in fact not be a good look for me.

One of them asks me then, is it true that this boyfriend I mention that's gotten into a fight with Jonathan at my job was actually that rapper, Eminem.

I nod my head to confirm.

While feeling my heart quite literally drop into my stomach at that very moment. Wondering if I should try and warn Marshall as they would obviously want to question him next now.

Also thinking to myself this right here would be the perfect opportunity for me to try and tell them the truth. Tell them about what Marshall confessed to me he has done, and yet, I say nothing.

Everything in this life is fleeting. Things come and they go. We are born, then we die, I repeat to myself like a mantra to try and justify my silence. Jonathan and Stephanie are both gone now, switching on Marshall won't being them back. Even if him getting arrested would have brought them justice.

So I say nothing about that and then, next thing I know, the fucking cop is asking me if I could possibly maybe get Eminem to sign something for him, telling me he's a huge fan, and I feel like facepalming myself, because really?! SERIOUSLY?!

I tell him sure, just so I could get him off my back. Marshall and I are not even together anymore though, so he shouldn't hold his breath too hard on that.

And than just like that, the 'interview' is over and nothing at all comes out of it.

I can't fathom WHY I haven't told the truth, but I supposed it's too late now.

Jonathan and Stephanie's case soon gets marked as unsolved. Both of them labeled an unfortunate couple that were robbed and killed in a drug deal give wrong, just as originally speculated.

And two weeks later, it's my birthday.

"Girl, why the hell are we going to LA for?" I'm asking Tonya just as we are boarding the plane.

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