20. Stimulate

637 21 64

Amari's P.O.V.

"Yo, did you just tell me to fuck off?" Marshall chuckles amusedly, watching the movement of my hands, not missing a bit.

Which figures.

Of course this man would catch that, of course something like 'fuck off' would be one of the first and fundamental things he would learn and remember exactly how to say in sign language.

A/N: I'm guessing it's one of those or /and all of them

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A/N: I'm guessing it's one of those or /and all of them

It has now been almost a whole damn year.

A whole damn year minus like one week, because today is actually my birthday, since Marshall and I have started what he's called a 'clean slate' before.

And we've been back together ever since then.

Don't ask me why, it just happened.

Oh, and I've also moved to Detroit with him finally. Something he's always wanted.

Met his daughters.

All three of them. The biological one that's his heart, and the other two adopted ones that are both also his heart as I have learned, him loving them just as much as the one that actually came from him.

Which is something I can't exactly understand, you guys. I can't possibly fathom loving somebody else's child as though they were your own, and yet Marshall does. His love for those other two girls is absolutely undeniable. And it's absolutely beautiful in a way too, even if it doesn't make complete sense to me.

But then again, none of this does, actually.

Not him loving me and not me loving him back, but I do love him.

Enough for me to drop everything to be with him apparently. Even if I still talk to Tonya every day.

Tonya is still my best friend and every chance we get, we hang out.

Anyways, Marshall's three daughters are sweet. I still don't particularly like kids, I don't think I ever would, but that's what I get for getting involved with a guy that has got three of them, I was bound to meet them eventually and I have to get along with them. Luckily, it wasn't too hard, because it appears that Marshall has raised them really well. They are not overly annoying and obnoxious and insufferable like most kids are. Of course, half the time I don't even know what they are trying to say to me because, being small children, they don't always keep in mind what their father has said to them about interacting with me. That they have to stand right in front of me and tilt their heads up when they talk or wait for me to bend down to their level. Still, I took my time to learn little things about them here and there. Like the fact that Hailie really loves sweets and has night terrors sometimes. Her and Alaina had also expressed a very mild interest in how to sign, I guess just because it's so different and curious to them, so I've been occasionally trying to teach them a few words, and they've been pretty good at picking it up.

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