22. The Decision

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Ugh!! This chapter kind of sucks but of well.


Just realized that we haven't heard from Marshall in like a minute, so here we go...


Marshall's P.O.V.

The doorbell rings and one of my security guards comes up on the intercom to inform me about what I already know, which is that Kim has come by to drop off my daughters. All three of them having been spending the previous week with her due to our shared custody agreement. Kim gets a week then I get a week, and so on.

I'm pulling my girl off of my chest where she fell asleep while we was watching some shitty talk show on TV. I've got the subtitles on for her like usual, but I guess reading them while tipsy as hell has worn her off, so Amari literally fell asleep on me at 12pm in the afternoon. Don't know why I find this shit so funny, but I chuckle to myself at her expense, laying her as gentle as I can on the couch and going to answer the door and let Kim and my daughters in.

"Daddy!!" Hailie and Alaina both jump into my arms as usual when I kneel to their level to greet them and take turns to wrap their tiny arms around my neck as I kiss the top of each of their heads while Kim stands grimacing in the doorway.

I swear to fuck this woman still to this day gets jealous of the love that I have for our daughters and the love that they have for me. In short, Kim is a fucking bitch.

"Here, take her please, Marshall, cause my arms are getting tired. And take the bag too, it has her stuff in it," she's saying to me, transferring Whitney from her hands into mine and practically shoving Whit's overnight bag in my hand which I take with a short nod of my head.

Kim then goes, "So Marshall, don't you think it's about time I meet that girlfriend of yours?"

I frown at her as I watch Hailie and Laney both sprint up the stairs leading to their rooms then look back at Kim who is standing in the doorway, flipping her hair off her shoulders and tapping her foot impatiently on the floor.

I groan internally, then ask her, "Why you wanna do that all of a sudden?"

To be honest, I don't really want them two to meet just cause I know how Kim is and how she could get.

And I also know how Amari is and how SHE could get.

And I ain't in no mood for them two girls to clash.

Suppose I couldn't avoid this shit forever though.

"I just want to know what kind of a person this... Amari girl is, you know?" Kim shrugs, pretending to be nonchalant. "I mean, Hai and Laney, they both been coming home fucking signing sometimes!!" She adds then, narrowing her eyes at me.

"I ain't see what the problem with that is exactly," I'm replying to Kim calmly then, staring her down hard and she damn near loses it.

"The problem is that my daughters AREN'T fucking deaf, Marshall!" Kim exclaims shrilly, waving her arms at me as I go to put Whitney to lay down on her little crib I have set sitting in the living room for her. Kim follows me.

"Our kids are not deaf, Marshall. They shouldn't be fucking signing, it's weird," she tells me.

"Ain't it just like learning a foreign language at school though? Quit being a bitch about it," I smirk, dismissing Kim, thinking she must be out of her damn mind.

She huffs and continues to attempt to stand her ground with me. Faltering slightly when I take another step in her direction.

"I just want to talk to her, Marshall," she insist.

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