15. What Have You Done

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Amari's P.O.V.

It took me hours of aimlessly walking around the streets of New York until I finally made my way back to the hotel room Marshall and I share.

By the time I finally get there, I feel exhausted and drained, both mentally and physically after the little bullshit stunt Marshall pulled on me earlier. I wasn't expecting that at all and he really caught me off guard with that. I literally hated him in that moment he made me nod my head to his bullshit demand, say I belong to him or whatever it was he needed to hear to keep that overinflamed yet extremely sensitive ego of his satisfied. Maybe to some of y'all it seems like I'm way overreacting to this, but to me, I've never felt more humiliated, and I basically agreed with him just so he would make it stop. I don't like not having control of the situation and Marshall took all of the control from me in that moment, and right now, I don't want to be around him anymore.

The thing is that a part of me still likes him, still has feelings for him, whatever, but I don't particularly care for this side of him that sometimes comes out.

So right now, I need space.

Which is not something I'm going to get. Clearly. Not until I get the hell away from him.

Marshall follows my every step as I'm walking around the hotel room, shoving my stuff in a duffel bag.

I'm supposed to fly back to Boston in like 2 days anyway, so I'm thinking I'd spend those remaining 2 days somewhere else here in this city and not with him.

And Marshall is pissed about it too, of course. What else is new.

"Amari, fuck is your problem for real?!" He grabs my shoulders turning me towards him to face him. "How many times do I gotta tell you that I ain't mean that shit earlier?! I was just..."

I shake my head cutting him off. I know he thinks it was cute what he had done to me earlier, but it really wasn't.

"I mean, you can't be walking around flirting with other dudes and expect me to be cool with it. I ain't no sucker, girl," Marshall continues his rant and I drop my bag on the floor in frustration.

"Ugh, Marshall!! Seriously, for the last damn time, I wasn't flirting with him!! I was just teaching him the sign language cause he asked!!" I exclaim, or at least it seems so to me, with the way the air is leaving my lungs right now. I feel so angry with him.

Marshall frowns thinking about what I have just said for a moment.

"And why you teaching some random cocksucker sign language for? You ain't never even taught me, and I'm your man. If you should be teaching anybody that shit than it should be me," he finally blurts out and I swear I could slap him again right now, because he's getting on my nerves so much!!

"Fucking seriously, Marshall?! The reason I never taught you is because you never asked!! You never seemed interested in it," I say to him and he continues to study my face mostly emotionless even as his eyes widen slightly.

I think about what I've just told him, and the more I think about it, the more it starts to really hit me hard, and it actually hurts so next thing I know, I'm going on a whole rant, "You have got a lot of nerve to even stand here in my face about teaching another dude sign language instead of you, when he asked and you never did. All these months of us so-called dating, Marshall, as much as you claim to be into me, it never even occured to you to..."

"But I mean, you can read lips and stuff. You understand everything that I'm telling you..." This man has the nerve to say then, face completely clueless.

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