Talk with Dad 1991

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Jasmine's POV

Dad only lets me go when we reach his office. "Tell me the truth, now" he says.

"Hermione already told you and the other professors what happened" I tell him.

"Do not lie to me Jasmine, your mother and I raised you better then that" he states.

"Promise not to punish my friends?" I ask him. He nods his head. I sit down on one of the leather chairs. "Well Hermione skipped her last class, I found out she had been in the girls bathroom crying. Apparently Ron said some mean things about her. So I went to see her and assure her she did have a friend" I explain.

"Then what happened?" he asks me.

"Well Hermione and I talked. I convinced her to come out of the cubicle so that she could wash up. And go to the feast, when the door opened" I state. "I didn't know it was a troll at first as my back was to the door. But Hermione pointed it out and we went to go hide in her cubicle. But the troll spotted us and attacked" I explain.

"Where were Potter and Weasley?" he asks.

"They hadn't arrived yet" I tell him. "Anyway, I used the conjunctivas curse on the troll's eyes. Hermione and I made a run for the door. Only it was locked for some reason and we had to dodge the troll's club" I explain. "That's when Harry and Ron appeared" I state.

"What happened next?" he asks.

"They started to throw broken bits of wood at the troll as I tried to think of a way to save us. Then Harry jumped onto the trolls back shoving his wand up it's nose. Ron then used to levitation charm on the troll's own club. Pulling it from it's hand and it slammed into it's head. Knocking it out and I tied it up. Then you appeared with Professor McGonagall and Quirrell" I finish the story.

"Why didn't you try to signal for help?" he asks me.

"I was a little busy trying to keep Hermione and I alive" I tell him.

"You'll have a weeks worth of detention with me" he states.

"What? But I didn't break any rules!" I whine.

"It's that or I write to your mother" he threatens and I shut up. "I'll ensure she does not find out about this incident" he tells me. "But I nearly lost you tonight Jasmine and you mean everything to me" he says.

"I know" I say. He pulls me into a hug and I return it. He rarely hugs me and I always cherish it when he does.

"Never put yourself in danger again and if you do, send a patronus" he tells me.

"But I don't know how to cast one" I remind him.

"I'll teach you" he tells me. "Now how are your classes going?" he asks as he sits down in his chair.

"They are going well, thought history is very boring" I tell him. He chuckles.

"Only four more years of it" he tells me and I groan. "I hear you are doing well in Charms and Transfiguration" he adds.

"Well I did have you and mum teaching me before school" I remind him.

"Is Lady enjoying Hogwarts?" he asks.

"Yes and she is behaving really well" I tell him. "She spends most days wondering the grounds, but always appears at meal time. And loves sleeping by the fire while I do homework" I state.

"Good" he says. "Now I know you are going home for Christmas, so did you want to exchange our presents before you leave or after you get back?" he asks me.

"I'm fine either way" I tell him.

"We'll do it the night before you leave, have a small dinner together here" he tells me. "I'll even have a tree" he states.

"Awe you're the best dad" I tell him.

"Just don't go spreading it around" he tells me. "I'll escort you back to Gyrffindor tower, your first detention is tomorrow after dinner" he tells me. I nod my head. He escorts me back to gryffindor tower. Where we're greeted by Lady.

I pick her up and hug her as her tail wags like crazy. "Good night dad" I say. He wishes me a good night and leaves. I say the password and enter the common room to see the other three waiting for me.

"What did Snape want?" Ron asks.

"My dad wanted to make sure I was ok" I state. I put Lady down and draw my wand pointing it at Ron. "If you ever upset my best friend again, I will hex you into next week. Are we clear?" I demand. He nods his head. "Good" I say pocketing my wand.

"I'm going to bed, you coming?" Hermione asks me.

"Yes" I say. "Good night boys and thank you for saving us" I tell them. Before going upstairs with Hermione and Lady. Hermione and I got ready for bed. I brushed Lady and removed her collar. Before we fell asleep on my bed.


Picture above of Snape's office.

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