Chapter 7

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It took my body several weeks to fully recover, and even then, I still had some shortness of breath. I had to learn to pace myself, take breaks when needed, and not push myself. I hadn't seen or spoken to Waverly since coming to her suite that day. Nor had I heard a whisper from Zander in the weeks following his daughter's capture.

I hadn't left our suite since that day we'd seen Aunt Nerissa and her family. I'd fallen back into that hole of depression and self-loathing that I didn't even remember who I'd been before then. I felt hollow. Jonah had stayed by my side during those first few weeks, giving me space and being there when I needed it. I hadn't heard a whisper of the Sirens in weeks, and I didn't know whether that was good or bad.

As if the very thought had summoned them, a hauntingly familiar tune reached my ears, sending shivers down my spine. I bit back a moan, rallying my strength as I prepared to rise from the bed. I shuddered to think of what Zander had in store for me next. I could only pray that Waverly had nothing to do with it.

It was barely dawn, the sunrise just stretching over the water. Wordlessly, I swam out of bed and into our closet, getting dressed quickly. Jonah rolled over in his sleep but didn't wake up. The suite door closed silently behind me, but I didn't stop. I followed the sound like a shark on a scent, robotically making my way down to the entryway and taking back hallways to not be seen.

When I swam into the open water, I took my first deep breath of the day, exhaling heavily and rubbing my eyes. I had no idea what to expect, so I was shocked when half a dozen mermaids appeared. Multiple eyes were watching me, filling me with apprehension and uneasiness. That wasn't what made my heart stop dead in my chest, however.

It was the merman interspersed between them, his expression mirroring those around us. Zander Marshal fixed me with a glare. "Faye." His tone was oozing pure hatred, years' worth of ire and shame packed into my name. "Now that we have an audience, here's how this will go."

He reached into his jacket pocket and took out a dark-blue pendant on a string. I kept my face expressionless, though my insides tightened and my breath caught, momentarily filling me with panic. "You have two choices: you use your voice to end these mermaids' lives—the easy way—or I kill them slowly and painfully—the hard way. Choose wisely."

He said the words so guilelessly and unaffectedly as if I didn't already deal with years' worth of trauma—trauma caused by those who thought power made them invincible, able to manipulate others to their gain with no consequence. Even though only a few years had passed since I'd first heard the Siren Song, I'd changed. I was no longer the shy, scared mermaid who stuck to her older brother's side.

Witnessing Jacob's death made me reevaluate everything—from my morals to personal relationships. I carried unnecessary guilt and uncertainty in my relationship with Jonah, so much so that I'd become paranoid and guarded. I kept my heart locked in the back of my chest for fear of it breaking again.

I knew that murder was wrong and immoral, yet with everything I'd witnessed over the past few years, could I say there was an easy path here? No matter my choice, it would still end with both mermaids dead and their lives on my conscience. He grinned as he approached me and stroked a hand down my cheek. I fought back a shudder.

I could tell by the wicked glint in his eyes that he was only doing this to watch me squirm. He had no motive nor reason to harm me physically—other than sick enjoyment. 

"If I do this," I said quietly, but not weakly, "you will leave our family alone?" I knew I was taking a significant risk, but I had no choice. I would do everything in my power to keep Waverly from the Sirens, from getting sucked into something she couldn't get out of. Even as I spoke, my heart lurched painfully. The tension was thick in the water as my unspoken words hung between us. Leave Waverly alone?

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