Chapter XV - Facing means dying, fleeing means becoming prey.

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POV Ayanokoji

The conversation between the two was straight to the point and without wasting time. Everything seems to be going well.

"Ayanokouji-kun. What kind of methods do you think we should take if we want to win this special exam?"

On the other hand, Horikita was trying to point out the sports festival guidelines on her own.

"This time it's the sports festival. The whole school is trying to see here the presence or absence of athletic abilities... don't you think?"

"In theory, of course it is correct. I'm interpreting this as a competition ranked according to ability. If there is another factor besides athleticism that affects results, isn't it just luck?"

"Luck, huh?"

It sounded like an inappropriate remark to me, but certainly that could be an aspect of it.

"Unlike the studies, the opponents we are going to compete against are chosen at random after all. As a factor, it plays a huge role."

Indeed, there is an aspect of this sports festival where the results can be influenced by how lucky you are with your team. Normally, even Horikita who is able to defeat 80% of the opponents here will end up losing if she draws the remaining 20% composed of formidable opponents. And at the opposite extreme, someone unathletic who can only defeat 10% of the opponents here, if they are pitted against someone even more unassailable than they are, can still win.

"But what I'm looking for is not something uncertain like that. I want something right. Using athletics as a base, a method that is not based purely on luck. There were endless possibilities during the special examinations of the uninhabited island and the ship. .... i feel that way now. But this time, for sure..."

Whether it was the serious mistakes made, or the failures committed so far, I could see Horikita becoming even more obsessed with winning.

"Hey, what's the big difference this time compared to the exams on the uninhabited island and on the ship?"

"... Difference? I think it's the same kind of special exam."

"Actually I won't deny that it's similar. However, the school side won't recognize that it's the same."

"I don't understand what you are saying. Why is there a cooperative relationship this time with Class C? But even the groups of ships were formed with different classes and an inexplicable team battle also took place...".

"That's not it. First, the basic premise is different."

In my reserved way of speaking, Horikita showed frustration and I told her what I noticed.

"Regarding this sports festival, the school never said it was a 'special exam'. We in 1st year called it that, including Chabashira-sensei, the other teachers referred to it as a sports festival. 3rd year Fujimaki too . Even in the forms that were delivered, the expression "special examination" did not appear."

Horikita didn't notice, or rather, hadn't noticed yet.

"Still, what's the problem with that? The mechanism behind it, as well as the increase and decrease of the points, are virtually identical to a special exam."

"Certainly. There is not much difference in their content. But their true natures are different. For example, in a regular written exam, leaving aside the buying and selling of secret points, in principle, most test your skills. In the same way , this sports festival should also be seen basically as a quest for his physical skills and common sense, just performing a clumsy maneuver would not have any impact on him. No, it was structured so that this does not happen. I think it is really a challenge for the class, it can display its true value".

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