Chapter X - Zodiac Exam

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POV Ayanokoji

After Shinichi explained the whole plan and the details we'd done, Chabashira texted us to meet her at the theater.

"It's chabashira, I imagine." He said next to me.

"You said she was lying, is that true?" I asked, making him look at me confused.

"Yes, she proves to be lying. After all, who has the details of our information is the director of the school. Even if a teacher knows a good part of our information, the most confidential remains with the director." He explained.

"I understand." Even though what he says is true, still... Something tells me she's not lying.

Entering the theater we see Chabashira sitting in one of the top seats while watching the play. Approaching her, she notices our presence.

"Oh. Akiyama-kun and Ayanokoji-kun. Glad you came." She says leaning back in her chair.

I let out a sigh. "Why did you call us here Chabashira?"

Her smile falters for a moment before she turns towards Shinichi. "Well, I didn't think you guys would help the class even after what I said earlier. But what made you guys motivated to do that?"

Shinichi responds with disdain. "I was just bored, wanted to entertain myself a bit. Including getting some stitches." Chabashira looks at he suspiciously.

Chabashira frowned. "Was helping enemies rank up part of your plan as well?"

"..." He didn't answer.

"...?" I got confused

"You decided to help class A and B not to make them get some points, or to help your class willingly. No... You did it to provoke me, correct?" Looking at him coldly, he just shrugs.

"What I do doesn't interest you, not to mention you don't have the voice to say anything about it. After all, weren't you blackmailing us before?"

She just sighs. "Yes... It would be hypocritical of me to say something so half-assed, but what I don't understand is your way of thinking. Why make classes reach points above greatness?"

By 'greatness' she means there are 1000 class points, which I agree, he must be planning something to make classes exceed 1000 class points. However, this argument breaks down because of Ryuen's class, if he was also at 1000 points, we would assume that he is planning something big, something that not even the school will be able to unravel.

"I'll leave it to your imagination." I see, he's not going to let details get out based on the information we've received.

Chabashira starts to get up. "You are indeed very complex and also very difficult to read. But enough about you for now." She turns her attention to me. "And you Ayanokoji-kun? Why did you participate even after he explained that everything I said was a lie?"

Oh. I forgot about that...

"I just wanted to help a friend." I shrugged.

"Liar." The two spoke at the same time.

What was that Shinichi? Are you going to betray me in a situation like this?!

"You're not the type to give a shit about helping anyone, you only care about yourself. I'd say something trivial happened to you in the past, or maybe..." He trails off for a moment.

"Perhaps?" I raised a curious eyebrow.

"You've had a very sordid time." When he said that, my fist started to clench. Although it was just speculation, it was something that brought me back to reality.

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