Malevolent: 17

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A/N: is it bad that I am musing another Sawyer idea for when I'm done with this? I feel it is seems I already have other stories I promised myself to write.


There was no amount of soap in the world that could truly wash away the taste of Alfredo. Rinsing out once more after the last few times, Tinker simply sighed and took a seat on the edge of the bath. Shaking his head in agitation at how long he was being made to wait, he stretched out his legs with another loud exhale. Alfredo's yells were still audible and loud enough to hear clear as day even from his room trying to stop the bleeding while promising vengeance. I regretted nothing. Well, almost nothing. The taste for sure I could only be remorseful about and how much blood I had taken in from Alfredo's injury but as a whole, he had this pain coming for quite some time and it was difficult to feel any guilt at my actions.

"Goddamn, you're really being dramatic now. It ain't like you're dying." Tink stated while tiredly rubbing his eyes with a stretched thumb. "You've really done it this time though, the hell am I supposed to put you for the rest of the night when Alfredo is going off on one?"
"The edge of the Texas border would be nice." I replied after spitting out into the sink again and letting the tap flush the mixture of soap and saliva down the drain. Only once doing so did it click in my mind through the pain and exhaustion that Tex must have been holding back on this beating, the fact I had been able to speak and breathe was a new privilege to have once he decided to use his belt for multi purposes. AS I straightened up, I took a glimpse in the mirror, at the bruising along my face, the stubborn residue of blood that couldn't be easily removed and the very faded marks around my neck which seemed to be old and close to healing up. By the maniac's standards, this was a kindness and I mistrusted any such deed from him. "Just dump me off there and I'll do the rest..."
"Don't push your luck little lady." Tink warned but was unable to hide his amusement at the answer. "You're one brassy bitch, y'know that?"
"Thought I was a pain in the ass?"
"That too." He agreed solemnly, "Might have to leave you with Junior tonight, although we can't have you rubbing your bad influence all over that girl of his...suppose she could stay with Grandpa or maybe even Heather, she'll be an angel if she thinks there's a baby brother or sister on the way, she's good with kids."I raised an eyebrow thinking of the infant skeleton she carried around as a doll.

"Yeah, really good." I breathed, leaning my back against the sink. As much as it wasn't desirable I had grown used to being naked to Tink and in general that it didn't bother me as much as it once did, he was a different man to Alfredo who'd hump anything with a whole or Tex who had whatever fascination with me that he was unwilling to unleash himself from. "You're taking the fact I just ripped off your brother's finger really well." Tink shrugged, focusing now on stretching out his arms, his glasses slowly rising and falling with his calm breaths. Though Alfredo was the runt of the family, I had expected something of a punishment to come my way. Yet Tinker seemed tranquil about the whole thing.

"It's been a long time coming with him. Always told him that his wandering hands would be his undoing. Besides, it wasn't a whole finger, maybe about half of one. If you had taken his thumb I would have something more to say." Tilting his head in my direction, he sighed once more. "I don't think either is a good option. No matter where I put you, you're sure to be trouble. Best tell Mama now that we'll be bunking with Grandpa tonight. Don't give me that look, you know there's not a cat in hell's chance you're being trusted anytime soon, if ever at this rate." I pursed my lips but accepted the loss. Running a dripping hand on my face I rubbed circles into where lips and around them were stained crimson. It erased whatever grogginess lay dormant in my bones as the moustached man pushed himself to his feet with a sigh. "You put some clothes on and you wait by Eddie's door. I so much as hear a window and you'll be sorry." Pointing his hook at me warningly, he remained silent clearly awaiting some form of reassurance. After a second, a flicker of annoyance washed over his tanned features.

Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant