Teaser Teasers

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Lied ends up gathering the rest of the band. Again. In their chill lounge somewhere in Babyls. Again.

But he had a plan up his sleeve.

"Alright everyone." Lied began. "I suppose you understand why I have brought you he-"

"Can Iruma-sama and I just leave now? We left Stupid Clara hanging on a whim." Azz frustratingly started. "We have some business to attend to."

"H-Hold up now! Come on, man! Just hear me ou!"

"Well why did you bring us out here, Lied-kun?" Iruma questioned the blonde demon.

"I think he wants to promote our song." Jazz concluded. "I mean you can't go wrong with any promotion."

"Correct, Jazzy! How did you find out my masterful plan?"

"Erm, isn't it kind of obvious?"

"Promotion, huh?" Azz began to wonder. "Okay then. How would you promote the song, then?"

He proceeded to smirk. "Oh don't worry, I have it planned out."

The plan started out quite simply.

The band must start their own Devigram account. Iruma ended up asking what it was. Azz ended up telling him that basically it's a website where people posts about their daily lives. You can pretty much post anything on that app.

Post some pictures of the band, specifically from the ones the Chair Demon took and post them on the site. But leave nothing but a simple caption.

And at least a day before the release, there should be a new post containing the announcement of their single.

Lied was very certain that the social media account they'll start will probably blow up, considering the fact that the Misfit Class are treated as the second coming of the 13 Crowns.

And to be real, only a few of them use the app. Specifically Lied, Gaap, Kerori and Elizabetta.

Lied and Gaap pretty much post about their daily lives, Elizabetta barely posts but when she does she gets a ton of likes, and Kerori is only using Devigram for her Kuromu persona. She has the most followers because of it.

"And don't worry guys, I already set up the Devigram account just today." Lied began, whilst having a grin on his face.

"Wow, just today?"

"Just today, Azz-kun!"

The Devigram account was called '@lovestruckofficial'. Pretty basic, to be fair.

"Alright. I guess that's settled." Jazz began, before turning to Iruma. "So Iruma-kun, do you have the photos from the photoshoot The Chair Demon took?"

"Hm? Photos? Ah, the ones Grandpa took from the shooting?"

"Yeah, that one. I suppose you have a copy."

"U-Um, I'll go ask him if I may."

"Yeah, sure no problem."

"Okay, let's see..."

Iruma went to his LINE contacts and proceeded to start messaging his grandfather.

At first, he was a bit hesitant to even message Sullivan on LINE, but everything has changed now.

I: Hi Grandpa! Sorry to bother you but my friends wanted to see the pictures you took from the music video we made. If it's okay with you.

And not even five seconds later, he got a reply.

S: Of course, my grandson!!! Here are some of the photos I took of you and your bandmates including some solo shots of each of every one of you!

Sullivan took OVER 50 photos of the band and each of the members.

They had quite some time choosing them. Especially Azz who was in shock over how good Iruma looked on the photos Sullivan took. He was over the moon.

But they did end up choosing some photos. And Lied had the honorary title of being the band's social media manager for now.

The photos each member chose for themselves were sent to Lied's LINE for him to upload on Devigram.

And later that day, Lied proceeded to go through his phone to upload the photos the moment he arrived home.

The first photo was a picture of the guys wearing their music video costumes. From left to right, it was Jazz, Lied, Iruma, and Azz. They all shared a smile in that one. They all put their arms around another and shared a big group photo.

Iruma's concept photo was a picture of him showing the peace sign with a wide smile while he wore the traditional black tee and black pants. There were a lot of potential photos the band could have chose from but they all agreed that this was the best one.

Next was Azz's concept photo. He wore his iconic black tee and ripped jeans. His pose was keeping his hands behind his back and showing nothing but a relatively soft smile. A lot of his photos were pretty nonchalant. All of his photos had a lot of potential to make the cut as well.

Jazz's concept photo was last. He wore the same thing Lied wore except he had a black backwards cap. For this one, Jazz pretended that he blew a kiss and even winked in his photo. This was an instant put. Everyone loved that one photo of Jazz, which got him a bit embarrassed.

Lied's concept photo was a picture of him throwing rock signs and sticking his tongue out. He wore the black sleeveless shirt, black pants and the red bandana. Lied thought that this was the best photo of himself so this was a self-made decision.

After all of that, the caption simply wrote:

'Looking perfect for something special 👀'

And oh yes, Lied was actually threatened by Azz that he'd set him on fire if he didn't put Iruma first in this solo concept shoot, causing Iruma to try and calm him down. That encounter scarred him so he ended up putting himself last in the photo dump.

He pressed post and proceeded to order takeaway food as he and sister pretty much can't cook for shit.

It wasn't long after when a lot of demons in Babyls found the account. And for lucky Lied himself, Elizabetta saw the post, liked it, and shared the post on her story. He got a notification of it when he was eating some fried dumplings and almost ended up choking to death because of it.

The post kept blowing up. And it got to the point where Lied had to turn off the notifications from the Lovestruck Devigram account. He ended up switching to his personal account. Worth it.

In not even a day, the post got almost 5000 likes. Most of it were pretty much from Elizabetta's following. So kudos to her!

What would be Babyls' reaction to the post Lied made? We'll have to find out soon on the next school day.

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