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Opera finishes the music video and the class decides to watch it together.

Filming has pretty much concluded for the band members of Lovestruck and their classmates. The day after, Opera immediately went to work with the music video, as they also had a role in editing. Talk about a hassle.

They balanced their time in both editing and working. For some reason, they weren't tired, even when Iruma was constantly worried about their well-being.

It only took a couple days for them to finish it. And bam, the video had been put together and was completed in the evening.

Opera then proceeded to inform and send the file to Iruma through his hellphone and he informed his class group chat.

Obviously they wanted to see it, but before they could tell Iruma to send it, they did a democratic poll. There were two choices.

A: Iruma sends the file to the chat and they can all watch it on their own time.

B: They can watch it together exclusively after class.

There was one thing they all agreed on.

They wanted to watch the whole thing together.

So then comes the day after. By then, classes had already finished so they all held a meeting in the Royal One. To obviously review the music video.

"Okay, everyone! As Iruma-sama stated, Opera-san has finished the editing process of our music video!" Azz stated, with everyone cheering in the process.

"Not gonna lie, that was pretty fast." Sabro stated, followed by Kerori saying "Yeah, usually it'd take more than a couple weeks to finish even one music video."

"I guess Opera-sensei has their wonders." Elizabetta concluded. "They're extremely talented."

"I-I agree m'lady! Opera-sensei truly is one of a kind!" Kamui also decided to put his thoughts to impress Elizabetta.

"Well let's see the music video! I'm thinking it's gonna be good!" Gaap offered his thoughts. "Oh and would anyone like some riceballs? I made a bit too much today."

"Ooh, I'd like one Samurai-kun!"

"Same here! I'll get one."

"Why, thank you Gaap-kun!"

"You really stayed up that long to make some riceballs?"

As Gaap was handing out riceballs to his classmates, Lied brought out his laptop and asked Iruma to send in the unlisted file to his LINE. It's also revealed that Opera has created the official 'Lovestruck' HellTube channel and even made a custom logo for them. I think they did a bit too much.

And Iruma and Jazz then brought out a flat-screen TV they found in the storage room of the Royal One. Lied connected his computer to it and there it was. The official music video of 'She Looks So Perfect'.

"Alright, ready everyone?" Lied began, with everyone saying yes in unison.

As Lied pressed play, the music video began.

The music video begins with a two members walking up to their microphones with a guitar and a bass respectively, which was obviously Iruma and Azz, indicating that the band was about to perform their song.

The wide shot then shows that the band were performing in a warehouse, which was the set Agares helped build. The props showed a lot of things a teenager would like to have. A lot of messy shirts, some snacks, some cans of drinks, and even roses. Basically a lot.

As the band began singing their song, there was a focus shot of each member singing the intro chant. Except Jazz who was messing with his sticks before hitting the drums.

In the next scene, there was a woman who was slowly walking in the set, which was a warehouse. The woman was obviously Ameri, as she was presented in a cinematic way.

As the music video went on, which showed the guys singing their song and Ameri playing with flowers, having fun, and jamming out to She Looks So Perfect, Lied's part was next.

And this was the part where everyone cheered loudly and embarrassed a certain boy.

In Lied's part, Iruma shows up and interrupts Ameri, who noticed his presence. By then, Iruma walked slowly, and slowly. He offered his hand and Lady Redhair smiled, and accepted his hand.

Then the two began to waltz as the band had their own wide shot performing while also having solo shots. The video even included Lied going crazy with his guitar in the chorus and managed to get a laugh out of everyone.

Also, who waltzes to punk rock!?

And as the song approached its end, Iruma and Ameri pulled each other closer, and exchanged eye contact. This made the class cheer loud. Even Azz was shedding a tear because Iruma's spring might have arrived.

The music video ends with the band in a wide shot, stopping their instruments, as the screen faded to black.

The music video was amazing.

Everyone talked about how great the guys were dressed, how fun the music video was, how beautiful Ameri was, and how romantic the waltzing part was.

Iruma was still embarrassed by the waltzing that he tried to under the table. He was nervous. He never felt like this before.

Azz by then was worried. He had to tell them to stop teasing him. But Azz also had to give in. He even said that he'll cover the cost of the wedding someday.

After the teasing stopped, Jazz was the first to speak up regarding the hard work everyone participated in. He ended up bringing Iruma, Azz and Lied closer together and thanked them for the help.

Without the Misfit Class' and Opera's help, this would've flopped.

Later that day, Iruma had the guts to message Ameri about the music video.

Ameri received the message and saw that Iruma sent something. She was petrified. She still couldn't block out the little dance they had.

'I-Iruma-kun messaged me!? H-How could he even have the guts to talk to me after a-all of that!?' She thought.

And then when she opened the LINE message, this is what it read.

I: Good evening, Ameri-san. Opera-san finished editing the music video. Here's what it look like. Don't mind the one viewer, everyone in the class watched it together.

Below was a link attached to the HellTube video.

Ameri was hesitant, but had the courage to reply.

A: Thank you for the reminder, Iruma-kun. I will make sure to check it out.

Funnily enough, there's a difference between Ameri talking to Iruma in real life and Ameri talking to Iruma on LINE.

After a few minutes of hesitating, she clicked the link.

Let's just say that she almost died of embarrassment.

A: I think it looks great. Opera-san and The Abnormal Class really did well with the production of this.

She had to put a formal reply as soon as possible. Classic Ameri.

Not long after messaging her, Iruma received a notification from the Lovestruck group chat the author never mentioned earlier.

They were talking about releasing the song next week with the accompanying music video and everyone gave their opinions on the release date.

But to save time, let's just say that it was a unanimous decision.

She Looks So Perfect will be released next weekend.

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