Creating The Perfect Single

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After an hour of having fun, the guys finally decided to plan out their debut single. They all sat down in the floor of the rehearsal room and began discussing.

"So to get this straight, you want our band to be a punk rock band." Jazz began as he tried to finalize Lied's intentions.


"And you want our first song to be similar to Teenage Dirtbag?"


"Okay, I just wanted to clarify. Because I wrote some lyrics last night."

"Eh? You wrote lyrics Jazz-kun?" A surprised Iruma perked up.

"Yeah. But it's not done yet. I only wrote the first verse and a chorus."

"That's still impressive. Writing lyrics just in case." Azz complimented his bandmate.

"But what's it called, Jazz-kun?" Iruma again asked him out of curiosity.

"Uh, 'She Looks So Perfect'." Jazz replied. "This is just a working title since Lied was looking for that punk rock romance. We could write something new if you guys don't like this one."

"I think we might like it, Jazz-kun." Iruma replied with a smile, as Jazz smiled back.

Then, the demo practice went underway.

"Okay. Firstly here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to try singing these lyrics with my voice. So trigger warning to anyone who hears it."

The three chuckled at what he said. Surely it wasn't gonna be that bad.

"And secondly, Lied. I want you play a plucky riff if you can."

"A plucky riff? I guess I'll try." Lied said before playing a little riff. "How's this?"

"Sounds great." Jazz began, before clearing his throat. "I hope you three won't execute me for this..."

"What? No we won't." Lied replied before chuckling while he continued to play the riff.

As the three were waiting for him to start singing, eager to hear the lyrics, he began to sing the lyrics that he just wrote.

The lyrics were said as it follows:
Simmer down, simmer down
They said we're too you now to amount to anything now
But look around
We worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now
If you don't swim, you'll drown
But don't move, honey

She looks so perfect standing there
In whatever kind of clothes she likes to wear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick is a work of art
I got your name written in an arrow heart
But I know now
That I'm so down...

And by then, he stopped singing. His voice was not good, but not bad. It's just...right there? But Iruma, Azz, and Lied were definitely feeling the lyrics.

"Not even gonna lie, that sounds like a banger!" A shocked Lied began, mesmerized by the flow and lyrics of the song. "It's catchy and it sounds like it could be a hit!"

"I definitely agree with Lied here. I do find it catchy. The teenage rebellion romance lyrics do fit what we're looking for. What are your thoughts, Iruma-sama?"

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