Recording Session

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After spending a quite amount of time messing around, the guys ended up taking things seriously. They wrote the lyrics and were thinking of riffs and drum work to match their taste.

They did manage to get one out of this, though. But it was just a draft, yet that draft would have to be reworked the next day.

Luckily the demo was recorded, so they could get some sort of idea for tomorrow. By then, they took a break and had lunch which was prepared by David and the maids, before heading back to practicing their riffs.

Then it was night-time. They didn't want to be out late because Iruma didn't want his grandfather to worry, so they decided to call it a night.

Iruma, Jazz and Lied ended up packing their bands and promised to meet Azz the next day at the same time, since they were gonna record their new song, pretty much because Azz knew a guy in the music industry who could help them make it.

And by then, a new day has arrived. Iruma woke up, had his breakfast, practiced his guitar for a while, and proceeded to head out. Because if his friends wanted to make a band, he had to better himself by practicing the guitar his grandfather gave him.

Heck, even Sullivan was secretly filming him playing the guitar and he was getting emotional over the fact that Iruma liked the instrument he gave him. He was overjoyed.

And then when it was afternoon, it was time to head out. He packed his guitar and went down. But this time, Jazz and Lied were waiting for him.

Iruma was quite surprised, because yesterday they agreed to meet up at a specific place. Yet Lied said it would've been better if the three of them gathered instead of meeting at the specific place.

And now, they were heading to the Asmodeus mansion.

"It was a good thing we met up at Iruma-kun's house so we could take a breather and chat up with him on our way there." Lied began. "But god damn it his place feels like it's farther than yesterday."

"U-Um, w-we could have just met up near his place you know?" Iruma replied by suggesting yesterday's method.

"I think it was better if we went to your house first." Jazz chimed in as he was pushing a cart that carried his drum kit. "I don't even know if I could play the drums if my back breaks."

This worried both Lied and Iruma.

"Don't you quit on me, Jazzy's back! You're essential to this!" Lied yelled out.

"How is that gonna help?" Jazz replied before chuckling.

Iruma and Lied did offer to help push the cart. Jazz ended up agreeing and they took turns in pushing the cart and to their horror, it was pretty heavy.

"Ugh, what's the need of bringing your entire drum kit to Azz's place!?" Lied complained as he pushed the cart. "Wouldn't there be a spare drum kit in his mansion?"

"I don't think I could get use to his if he had one." Jazz nonchalantly replied as he walked with him and Iruma. "I've been playing my set since I was in middle school so it's hard to get used to a new one."

"Wow you've been doing this for a long time, Jazz-kun?!" Iruma was amazed by this fact, which made Jazz a bit flustered as he nodded.

"Uh, guys. Need some help over here. My back's about to kick the bucket."

"Oh, I'll help you with that, Lied-kun." Iruma then offered to push the cart.

Jazz told Lied to watch out. If Azz found out that Iruma was pushing Jazz's drum kit, he would go wild. Because he would assume that both him and Lied requested him to do it.

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