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PoV- Kate *For anyone confused the mall is directly in front of the main gate. On the left side is Robert, Nick, and etc house along with a bunch of other houses. On the right side is the hospital. Behind that is the hangers and HQ. The neighborhood gate is on the ride side also.*

I woke up alone like I have for the past month. Tomorrow might be different though. Robert will be well enough to come home. They kept him longer because they weren't sure if he'd turn or not, but its clear he won't now. Thank god. March 16, only another week before the biggest group of soldiers is expected to arrive. Previous soldiers from other camps have said that they were mainly on the outskirts of larger cities towards the east, Arkansas, and Texas. The people from Texas have all arrived along with anyone from Arkansas. They account for our population of almost 14,000 people. Three times more than what we started with. Thankfully farming was popular around here because outside the base a couple of miles is fields perfect for crops. Its mainly corn, but its better than no food. The soldiers from the east retreated to Northern Alabama where they checked for civilians. Their trip here is taking awhile because they're all walking and semi clearing towns on the way.

After laying in bed doing nothing for an hour I finally got up. I walked other to the bathroom tripping over my shoes. Its still chilly outside, but winter is slowly going away. I flicked on the lights being glad that Elizabeth brought her work duties home requiring her power all day. I quickly showered hurrying so I won't be too late. I was supposed to be helping at 10:00, but its almost 12 now. Oh well its Saturday and I'm known for being late. I haven't joined the military so I can't really be put on their standards considering how much I've helped them. Actually when it first started I was being detained here, but like most people the will to live united us. Besides I didn't do anything bad. They had the wrong person.

Ten minutes later I was walking out the front door wearing jeans, and a black sweater. I had just closed the door when I remembered to get my pistol. I ran back inside and grabbed my 1911. Found it on one of my first runs and have loved it ever since. I started walking towards the hospital to see Robert first but decided to just go to work. I arrived at the hanger that we've moved any supplies that we can give to the people living in the neighborhoods to. A lot of it is clothes and water. Food is something we are still rationing till we can get surpluses going. A lot of people are turning their backyards into private little farms to grow little things. It will help a lot more if we can get everyone to do it. Heavier coats are starting to get donated more often as it warms up. Today's job, sorting more clothes.

I walked to the back where already four other people were shuffling through clothes sorting them out by their type. Someone noticed me and called out,"We were wondering if you were going to do another no show," they said sarcastically.

"I figured I'd help out more than I'm high up. Wouldn't want anyone thinking too bad of me," I replied listening to my voice echo around the building. "So what all are we going to do?"

"Today we were just going to try and sort through some of the clothes. We've noticed that there isn't too many kids wearing the right sized clothes," a girl no older than 19 replied.

"Not too many kids period these days. No one ever taught kids to survive," I said thinking back on all of kids missing.

"I've heard there's a lot more alive towards the west. Good hunting grounds out there and the temperature is fair," she said looking at a shirt.

"I've heard there is some messed up military guys too. I doubt the Pres would've let them continue what they were doing," I continued picking up my first piece of clothing. Jeans, I threw them a pile. I spent about half an hour sorting clothes before I threw down what I had and laid against the wall. I did a lot for only that much time so they'll hopefully let me sleep. I knew I was dreaming because I was reliving the first time I met Nick. He had been working for a shady guy, and I could tell what he was doing. He was terrible at his job. He'd still suck at it if it was not for me. Suddenly I was watching him be shot and I woke up realizing it never happened. The hell kind of dream is that?

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