chapter 24

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[inside the Helicarrier Steve is confronted by Bucky]

Steve Rogers: People are gonna die, Buck. I can't let that happen.

[Bucky stares at him coldly]

Steve Rogers: Please, don't make me do this.

[Seeing Bucky won't back down Steve throws his shield at him and they start battling each other, as they fight Steve manages to bring up the targeting blade system, but as Bucky attacks him the chip falls from Steve's hand; back at the Council]

Lada Romanoff: Done. [she looks at her mobile device] And it's trending. [just then Pierce sets off the pins he gave the council members, causing it to burn deeply into their sternum, Lada and Fury points their guns at Pierce; to Lada]

Alexander Pierce: Unless you want two inch hole in your sternum, I'd put that gun down. [Lada doesn't back down] That was armed the moment you pinned it on. [Fury and Lada reluctantly lower their weapons]

The hall looks at Lada in worry.

[back at the Helicarrier as they are battling it out, Bucky stabs Steve in the shoulder with his knife and then grabs the fallen chip, but Steve manages to get the knife out, grab Bucky by the throat and throws him down, armlocks him.]

A few people wince at this

Steve Rogers: Drop it! Drop it! [as Bucky continues to hold the chip, Steve breaks his arm and holds onto his throat until he passes out and lets go of the chip, Steve then grabs the chip and rushes off; back at the Triskelion]

[An office in the SHIELD HQ]

Brock Rumlow: I'm on forty-one, headed towards the south-west stairwell. [just then Sam attacks Rumlow but Rumlow manages to knock Sam down] This is gonna hurt. There are no prisoners with HYDRA, just order. And order only comes through pain. You ready for yours?

Sam Wilson: Man, shut the hell up. [they both go to attack each other]

people in the hall laughed.

Alexander Pierce: Lieutenant, how much longer?

Charlie XO: [on radio] Sixty-five seconds to satellite link. Targeting grid engaged. Lowering weapons array now.

Maria Hill: [to Steve as she watches from the monitor] One minute. [Steve desperately tries to get back up to the Helicarriers to get to the targeting system when Bucky becomes conscious and shoots at Steve in the left thigh and then the right shoulder, but Steve still manages to climb up] Thirty seconds, Cap!

Steve Rogers: Stand by. [he gets the chip out] Charlie... [Bucky shoots Steve in the stomach and he falls]

The people in the hall looked at bucky wondering why he was just sitting here with the avengers after all the pain he caused.

[On the helicarrier's bridge]

Charlie Weapons Tech: We've reached three thousand feet. Sat link coming online now.

Charlie XO: Deploy algorithm.

Charlie Weapons Tech: Algorithm deployed.

Alexander Pierce: [on radio] We are go to targets. [Hill watches as the weapons are being targeted at Washington, the White house, the Pentagon, Stark Tower, aiming to kill over 700,00 people.]

Lada stared wide eye at the screen along with tony neither knew stark tower was a target.

Charlie Weapons Tech: Target saturation reached. All targets assigned.

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