Chapter 11

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Pete swore to his grandmother's grave that he'd never talk to Kim again about the past they shared no matter what the consequences are. The day Kim left him in his apartment, curled up and alone in his sheets, Pete vowed to himself that what they had will be buried and forgotten. So when Kim returned, he tried his best to avoid him at all costs for several obvious reasons.

First, he truly believed that what Kim had for him back then was a lapse in the younger's judgement or perhaps an experiment to know more about his own sexuality. He knew that Kim was aloof and had trouble connecting with his family and peers and Pete seemed like the safest option for the youngest heir of the main family. Kind and naive Pete who was always there; always understanding and giving. So when Kim decided to drop him like a hot potato a few years after, he felt like what they had is bound to end and he accepted that. Even if it hurt him so much he found sleeping difficult at night, even if he depreciates himself as insecurities and self-doubt clouded his existence as the days went by.

Second, Kim is already with someone else and so is Pete. Even if he loved Kim deeply during their time together and would sometimes think about him during one of those sleepless nights, he knew it was wrong to be near with him again. Their story was a complicated one and it wouldn't be just Kim and him who would be affected if their past will be revealed.

And lastly, talking to Kim would feel like betrayal. To Vegas and to himself. Because it took so much to rebuild himself and get back on his feet after Kim had left him. And on some days, he even thought it was impossible to love again. Because when Kim decided to abruptly walk out of Pete's life, his whole world shattered. And for a while, he was convinced that maybe for some people, for people like him, love was never meant for them. He was convinced that he probably doesn't deserve happiness. His life was a tragedy to begin with. It feels surreal to have someone to love and care for him.

But Vegas was there and he proved him wrong. Despite starting their relationship on the wrong foot, he helped Pete realize that he wasn't unlovable or replaceable. He made him believe that a broken thing like him can have a chance to be happy again. And through all those insecurities and doubts, Vegas had reassure Pete that he is enough. Under unexpected but wonderful circumstances, he accidentally built a loving family with him, with little Venice and Macau and Pete couldn't ask for more.

"Pete?" He turned his head towards the door. Vegas' head was peaking through it, eyes drifting to the bed where Venice was sleeping and back to Pete who was sitting at the edge, his one hand holding a story book as the other threads through the toddler's hair.

"He's asleep. I'll be out in a minute." Pete replies as he tucked the child comfortably in his bed. Vegas waits him by the door, a warning feeling crept in his chest as he watched Pete taking care of his little brother that they considered as their son.

"Let's go." Pete says in a hushed tone as they slowly closed the door and made their way to their own room.

"I'll go take a shower." Vegas says when they arrive and went to the bathroom.
Pete sighed as he sat on the bed, recalling Chay's words earlier.

"Maybe you two should talk, Phi."

Talk? Talk about what? That Kim was a heartless jerk that dumped Pete for someone else? That he was an assh*le for not even having the courage to tell him in the face that they're done? That he just literally left Pete in his apartment alone in that cold, empty bed while he went spiraling, wondering what he did wrong for Kim to leave and shut him off like that?

Pete clenched his fists, his anger simmering in his chest. Kim is really a sadist, Pete had thought. And he particularly love to hurt him. He clenched his jaw as he felt his eyes watering. No, he won't shed a tear for him again.

After a few minutes later, Vegas got out from the shower and it was Pete's turn to go to the bathroom. There, he stood below the showerhead, pretending that the the water running through his face were all from the shower and not his tears.

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