Chapter 4

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Gunshots echoed through the halls and Pete cursed under his breath. This was supposed to be an easy deal with the other mafia family but things escalated and they ended up exchanging bullets with the other party.
He tried to recall the events that led them in this situation.

Supposedly, it was him and Vegas who would close the deal with the Wong family. But due to some emergency meeting with their American investors that requires the presence of both the heads of the Theerapanyakul family, they had agreed to send Pete and Kim instead since the Wong family knew Pete from the previous dealings. Something that Pete had begrudgingly agreed. However, the Wongs took it as an offense to send the "musician" of the family rather than the family head. As someone who also do not tolerate disrespect from anyone, Kim reiterated that he was as capable as the other members of the family. From there, they got into a heated argument and before they know it, guns are drawn and bullets are fired. It's a good thing that the bodyguards that Pete handpicked to accompany them were quick-witted enough to sense the inevitable gunfight.

It took them almost an hour to finish off the remaining offenders. After years of being a bodyguard of the main family, he instinctively searched for Kim to know if he's safe. Before the shootout, they got separated and now he's cursing mentally because what if Kim died under his watch? Kinn would probably have his head.

He almost jumped in relief when he saw Kim emerged from one of the dark corners of the building. But when his eyes landed to his shoulders, they grew wide in panic. Kim is bleeding! Without thinking, he ran to his side to check the severity of the bullet wound.

"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly, forgetting the tension and awkwardness between them.

"Yeah. It's not that deep. The bullet just grazed my shoulder." He replied and started walking towards the car.

"Should I call the family doctor?" Pete started walking as well.

"No need. I'm going to my apartment. I don't want to worry the family, especially Khun Noo. You know how dramatic he can get." Kim slid into the passenger seat while Pete stood frozen outside the car.

"Aren't you coming?" Kim called out and Pete looked at him with a funny expression on his face.

"Uhm, I'll have Big drive you to your place." Pete replied as he started tapping quickly on his phone to call Big from the next car.

"I told them to go ahead."

"What?!" Pete looked around and realized that the other bodyguards had indeed already left. He wanted to scream and punch Kim for putting him in another awkward situation but he cannot let him have the satisfaction of knowing that he pissed him off so he took a deep breath before sliding into the driver's seat and slammed the door a little harder than necessary before driving off to Kim's place.

It was a quick and silent ride. They reached his apartment in less than 10 minutes. Kim got out of the car first and started walking inside. But when he noticed that Pete was still in the car, his brows furrowed as he turned around to face him.

"What are you still doing there?" He asked, irritation is evident in his voice. Pete wanted to roll his eyes just to spite him but he knew better than that so he just shrugged.

"I'm drove you to your place. My work here is done. I'm going home now." He replied in a calm tone, masking his annoyance. He watched Kim's frown deepen. Before he can restart the engine, Kim interrupted him.

"You still gotta help me with this." He said while pointing to his injured shoulder and Pete wanted to scoff at that because they both knew Kim was more than capable of doing it on his own. He doesn't understand why Kim still wanted him here. But since Pete hates being delayed, especially knowing that it's almost Venice's bedtime, he figured that he'll just finish Kim's bandage quickly and he'll be off. So he got out of the car and made his way to the building following Kim.

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