Chapter 2

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People say you sometimes attract what you fear. Maybe they were right about that. Because right now, Pete would like to turn his heels and leave the damn meeting room if it wasn't for Vegas' firm grip in his thigh.

Breathe. He mentally told himself.

"You okay, love?" Vegas asked in a hushed tone, still looking straight ahead but is slightly leaning to him.

"Yes. Of course. I'm fine." He replied quietly while smiling. He lightly squeezed his hand against Vegas' to reassure him. Vegas nodded and straightened in his seat, focus going back to their current discussion about expanding the family business.

Pete, on the other hand, tried his best to tune out his surroundings—Kinn's and Vegas' serious conversation, Tankhun's occasional snide remarks towards Vegas, and his stares.

His stares that felt like daggers casted towards him. He always had an intense gaze—two dark orbs that felt like it can see through you—boring holes deep into your soul. And Pete was never used to that despite serving the major family for years and basically growing up with him. Whenever he is subjected to those stares, he would get this uneasy feeling of being seen. It felt wrong. Because as a bodyguard, he job is to blend in the background. To be invisible. In order to avoid those soul-piercing gaze, he lowered his head throughout the meeting.

"Why don't you guys stay over for dinner?" His head jerked up at Kinn's invite. On usual days, he never mind having dinner with them. In fact, he grew to like family dinners because it was a good way for both families to get closer. Plus, it was his and Porsche idea in the first place. But right now, all he wanted was to go home where it felt easier to breathe. Away from here. Away from him.
But before he can respond, he heard Vegas agreeing.
After that, he found himself being led to the dinning hall. Chay and Macau are already there sitting across each other, Venice was also seated in his high chair near Macau. He noticed Chay's face lit up upon seeing Kim and he tapped the seat next to him, beckoning him to sit beside him. Pete sat next to Venice while Vegas sat next to him. Kinn and Porsche are sitting beside each other while Tankhun sat near Kim and Chay. While they are eating, they chatted about mundane things and Pete tried his best to engage in the conversation.

"How's Vermont, Kim?" Tankhun asked in between the conversations. Kim stopped slicing his steak to look around the table. He was quiet throughout the entire time and he can see that everyone is waiting for his answer. Well, not everyone since Pete seemed to be more interested in feeding Venice as the little guy clapped his tiny hands each time he gets a mouthful of food.

"It's fine. Cold." He replied.

"Ugh! You spent almost a year there and all you would say is 'it's fine?' Still the boring one, I see." Tankhun grumbled as they resumed eating. The topic was quickly shifted to something else and Kim was grateful for that.

He can't help but sneak a glance at the little family in front of him. Pete was wiping Venice's mouth with a cloth while Vegas was putting some food on Pete's plate, an awful fond look was plastered on his face. He looks so different from the man he had known throughout the years. He has never imagined Vegas to become a family man. It's hard to think that a man as ruthless as him is capable of fatherhood, of truly loving someone. He never thought Vegas would end up with Pete. But seeing the domesticity, he can't help but feel something burn in his chest.

They look perfect together.

Kim felt his hands tighten around the utensils he's holding.

"You okay, P'Kim?" He heard Chay asking quietly beside him. He slowly unclench his hands and turned to him.

"Yes. I'm okay." He said while forcing a smile. Chay nodded and smiled back at him before diving back to his food, missing the way Kim's eyes harden the moment he looked away.

Of course he was okay.
Why wouldn't he be?

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