Chapter 10

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Kim murmured and Chay had to rush to Kim's side to confirm what he just heard.

Pete? Is P'Kim calling P'Pete?

Kim kept tossing and turning in the bed as he murmured incoherent words.

Is Kim having a nightmare?

"Pete." Kim said again and Chay was a hundred percent sure that Kim just said 'Pete' which made him frown.

Why is P'Kim calling P'Pete?

"I'm sorry." *sniffs*

"I'm sorry, Pete." Chay was alarmed when Kim started sobbing. Not knowing what to do, he sat on the bedside and lightly shook Kim's shoulders to wake him up. Kim must've been dreaming something bad for him to cry in his sleep.

But why is he saying sorry to Pete?

Chay doesn't understand what's going on so he kept shaking Kim as his sobs grew louder.

"P'Kim, wake up. You're having a nightmare." He said to Kim who was curled up and slightly shivering. After a moment, Kim's eyes fluttered open as he looked at Chay bleary-eyed and disoriented.

"Pete?" He calls again and Chay felt his stomach drop. "You're here." He says, cupping Chay's face gently like he's afraid he'd hurt him if he held him firmly. Chay's eyes widen in shock. He looked at Kim and realized he is not fully awake yet. His eyes grew wider when Kim suddenly pulled him to the bed and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry, Pete. I'm so sorry." He started sobbing again. When he heard the sobs quiet down, he decided it was time to go to his own room. But just when he was about to stand up, Kim frantically grabbed his hands.

"Please don't leave." He whispered, his shoulders shaking as tears started to fall again from his hazy eyes. "Just this once, let me held you again." Despite the confusion and the nagging feeling at the back of his mind, Chay held Kim until he calmed down again.
"I miss you, Pete." Kim murmured and went back to sleep. The entire time Chay was there, his mind was bombarded with countless questions and possible implications about what Kim had just said. One thing is for sure though. It has something to do with Pete and even if he is not someone who pries on somebody else's business, he is going to ask Pete about it. For his sanity and peace of mind. Walking out of Kim's room, a plan forms in his mind. He'll talk with Pete.

When Kim woke up the next day and they saw each other on the hallways, Chay felt his body go stiff. But when Kim ruffled his hair and chuckled teasing as he tried to get Kim's hand off his hair, he figured he doesn't remember last night.

It wasn't until another family dinner when Chay met Pete again. He thanked the gods when the minor family decided to stay for a while after the dinner to catch up with everyone. They were all huddled in the living room. Kinn, Vegas, and Kim were in the mini bar, sipping bourbon while Macau and Venice were in the other corner watching some cartoons on his phone.
Chay was itching to have a moment alone with Pete but Khun Noo and his older brother latched to him like leeches, giggling over some meme on the phone. He mentally groaned and blamed Macau for introducing the concept of memes to the older generation.

Chay waited patiently and when he noticed Pete going to the kitchen to get some snacks, and probably to breath since Porsche and Tankhun has been squeezing him in the middle of the couch as they battle who would get to hold and scroll through the phone, he quietly followed the older.

"Phi." He called Pete's attention and he almost dropped the pitcher of juice.

"Holy cheese cakes! Chay, I didn't see you there." Pete said in surprise, placing a hand on his chest. When he felt calm again, he held the pitcher towards Chay. "You want juice?" He offered, smiling his signature smile.

"No, thank you, P'Pete." He shook his head and smiled back. Pete nodded and put the pitcher into the tray together with the snacks. He was about to head back to the living room when Chay stopped him by holding his arms. He turned to him in confusion.

"Uhm, I was hoping to talk to you privately Phi." He told him. Pete's face frown deepened as he carefully put the tray back into the table.

"What is it, Chay?" He asks and Chay found himself at a loss for words. He opened his mouth but no words came out so he shut it again. Pete's confusion turned into concern and Chay wanted to cry. Because last night, a part of him, the darker side of him, was harboring a negative feeling for the man because of some f*cked up scenarios and possiblities his mind had conjured the moment he heard Kim for another man.
And here was Pete, his sweet, gentle, and loving P'Pete who was looking at him with concern and a hint of protectiveness, like his brother would.

"Chay, what's wrong?" Pete asks again and he took a deep breath before opening his mouth again.

"Did P'Kim do something bad to you?" He finally asks and Pete's face go pale. An uncomfortable feeling settled in his stomach.

"Why—what...what are you talking about?" The other man stuttered, eyes going wide.

"Did he—did he hurt you, Phi?" Chay says instead and Pete goes paler.

"What are you saying, Chay?" He asks again, his voice is shaking.

"He talked in his sleep." Chay started, grabbing a chair before sitting down. Pete did the same.

"He called you, Phi." He continued, looking at Pete.

"Are you sure it was me he's calling? Maybe you heard it wrong." Pete says, his eyes drifting sidewards as he fidgeted with the table napkins.

"No. I'm sure of what I heard. He said it a couple of times." Chay insisted and he saw the other man go stiff in his seat.

"Why would you ask if he hurt me?"

"Because he's saying sorry over and over you."

Pete shook his head. "That's impossible. Why would Kim say that? You know he doesn't do apologies." He laughed nervously, trying to dissipate the serious and uncomfortable atmosphere but stopped when he look back at Chay and saw the younger man was not laughing with him. It felt more awkward.

"Maybe you two should talk, Phi." Chay says after a while. Pete unconsciously gripped the table napkin too hard that it breaks in half. An uncomfortable silence fell between them.

"He is having nightmares, Phi." Chay added. "He's been crying in his sleep." He  said in a hushed tone. Sharing this vulnerable information about Kim was not his intention but when he remembered Kim's crying face, the cold prince sobbing and breaking down in front of him, his heart ached and bleed for the man. And if telling this to Pete would lead him to talking to Kim to settle what's going on between the two of them, he'd do it. Even if the idea doesn't settle well with him.

"Chay, Kim and I have nothing to talk about." Pete said, his voice steady and calm this time. He stood up and lifted the tray before stopping at Chay's side to tap his shoulder.

"I appreciate you for telling me this and I'd appreciate it more if you'll never mention it again to me or to anyone." He looked at him pleadingly.

"Everyone is happy right now, Chay. Let's leave it like that." Pete said and made his way back to the living room, leaving Chay in the kitchen table alone with his thoughts.

But you're wrong, Phi. P'Kim wasn't happy.

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