Chapter 14 | Dresses, ribbons and the sparkle in your eyes

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The Dudley's were in a state of mess. Henrietta couldn't stop herself from telling Cathy about yesterday. She told her about how her father liked Mr Cavendish and thought that they would be a good match. It was the tenth time when she was repeating the same story to her.

Downstairs, Mrs Dudley was arranging their house and getting ready to visit the town. Mr Dudley was sipping on his tea while reading the newspaper and looking at Charles playing with his wooden car. Cathy was doing her sister's hair while she told her about Mr Cavendish.

"I have been hearing this for the eleventh time Henrietta. Have mercy on me," she sighed.
She laughed and promised her that she won't bring up the topic again. She told her that she was excited about meeting Mr. Cavendish and shopping for dresses with him. They would announce that the two are courting, at the ball. Cathy couldn't help but feel happy for her. She hugged her from behind and kissed her temple.
"Don't forget about Charles and me, after your marriage."

Henrietta smiled softly. She promised that she wouldn't forget her family. Cathy patted her shoulder and pinned her hair with a clip. She continued braiding her hair and clipping it, wherever required. She looked at the reflection of her sister, who was smiling like a fool.
Time waits for none. She remembered seeing a young girl, running towards her and pulling her into a hug. That was seven years ago. Today, that girl was all grown up and was courting a man, and soon to wed him. As happy as she was for her, she was sad, as well as scared. Sad because she won't be there to wake her up, share all those funny stories with her, and scared of letting her go, letting her go into this unknown world. But she trusted Mr Cavendish and her sister's love for him. She had to trust them, or else it would be too difficult for her to let her go.

Her thoughts were disturbed by a sudden knock. It was Charles. "Mama is calling us downstairs. The carriage is waiting outside."

Henrietta told him to tell her that they would be ready in a few moments. He ran downstairs and Cathy could hear him from her room. The Dudleys had not been to the town for a long time. They had heard that the town is a whole different place than the countryside. Especially during Christmas.

After a few minutes, the two girls made their way to the living room. Mr Cavendish was already sitting there. His eyes were fixed on his beloved, Henrietta. Cathy smiled a little. The two were adorable. But what surprised her was the presence of William. He was looking at her. When their eyes met, he greeted her. She returned his greeting. She felt her cheeks becoming warm. What was that supposed to mean?

"Oh. Good morning ladies," said Mr Dudley. "See, who's here to accompany us." He pointed towards William. "Mr Benwick! I met him in the morning and told him that we were off to the town. He said that he knew some good shops and places in the town. So he would love to accompany us."

"I hope I don't cause any trouble if i accompany you all," said William. He looked at Cathy. She understood that the question was specifically meant for her. She told him that she would be happy to have his company. She saw his shoulders fall down in relief.

"Honey. The carriage boys are waiting." Mrs Dudley came rushing inside with her purse tucked in her elbow. She looked at Henrietta and gave her a smile. "I think that we are ready to go."

When they came outside, they saw three carriages waiting for them. Henrietta and Mr Cavendish got in one. Mr Dudley and Mrs Dudley got in another. William, Cathy and Charles got on the last carriage and then they made their way towards the town.

The town was an hour away from the countryside. Cathy was certain that Henrietta and Mr. Cavendish were busy with some intimate time. This caused her face to flush in embarrassment. She was not supposed to think of such things. William noticed it and thought that she might be ill. Without any warning, he placed his palm on her forehead. She was shocked for a few seconds, before realising what was happening.

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