16. you're a full machine

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April had found her first few weeks being chief resident, challenging..? That's for sure.

No one listened, but no one cared either. Her girlfriend, who was a fourth year resident, was getting more OR time than her as a fifth year.

It was ridiculous.

She didn't want to tell Lexie that, though it wasn't her fault. She did try and help out where she could, but she had taken on quite a few of Meredith's cases as well, so they barely saw each other until they got home most days.

Once they got home, they'd eat, sleep, rinse, and repeat.

Lexie had started to notice them drifting, but she assumed it would all calm down eventually. Once April could get on top of it, everything would go back to normal... right?


April sat in her office. She'd actually had an office, all to herself. Until she invited Lexie and word caught on until everyone started hanging around in her office. Eating lunch, studying - She didn't even want to know what else..

She sat in her cluttered office. Alex and Jackson were always so messy. She didn't miss living with those slobs.

April was checking that all of her charts and schedules were aligned so that they didn't have another incident in the ER.. Because that was embarrassing, she would never live it down..

Lexie walked in, leaning against the wall as she ate a muffin and drank her coffee. She noticed the charts and schedules strewn about the table.

"Rough day?"

April watched Lexie, leaning back in her chair.

"The hardest part is getting people to listen to you, y'know..."

She sighed.

"I tell them the same thing ten times, and they still don't do it. Sometimes, I want to just sit and scream."

She paused for a moment, rubbing her temples.

"I'm going to have a headache tonight. But, anyway, how was your day?"

Lexie shrugged, sitting into the couch that April had gotten cheap on Craigslist

"I'm getting to scrub in a lot today. This is my first break."

She said it like it was nothing, and April plastered a smile on her face.

"Sounds like a productive day.."

She trailed off before she started rambling..

"Can I tell you something, actually? I feel like I'm failing. You have more cases than I did as a fourth year."

She paused again.

"And you - you see more patients in an hour than I do all day. I just... feel like I'm going backwards."

Lexie frowned a little, sitting up and looking April in the eye.

"You are not failing.. You're probably doing more work than any of those slackers.."

April looked down at the charts.

"I just wish it felt that way.."

She looked up at Lexie again with a sigh.

"Lex, I feel like we're drifting apart.. I barely see you anymore.."

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