19. like nothing matters

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"I am going to flunk my boards!"

April dove her head into a pile of files in the library. Lexie looked at her fiancé with a sigh.

Fiancé, wow. How amazing was it that she could call her that now?

"No, you're not. We have two days to go, and you know all this stuff, your brain just -"

"I don't know any of it!"

"Your brain goes too fast! You don't think of all the steps. They give you time, take it. You know it, I promise."

Lexie pressed a kiss to her head while squeezing her shoulder.

It had been this way for weeks, Lexie had been helping April study, but April just didn't have confidence in her answering.. Or her capability as a surgeon.

Which was ridiculous. She was chief resident for a reason, even if she didn't want to believe it. It was true that she hadn't gotten as much OR time as the other fifth year residents, but that didn't put her at a disadvantage in Lexie's eyes.

In April's eyes, she was a failure.

She wasn't getting enough surgeries, and she spent too much time focusing on her weaknesses rather than her strengths.


The morning of the boards, Lexie helped April carry her luggage onto the bus. She sighed in relief once everything was packed up.

"There we go -"

What she didn't notice was how quiet April had been until she turned around to see her looking as pale as a ghost with tears in her eyes.

"April? -"

That was enough to send April over the edge. She started sobbing.

"Oh -"

Lexie wrapped her arms around April as she cried. The pressure had really gotten to her...

"Hey, babe? It'll be okay.."

"You don't know that! What if I fail? I'll lose my job.. No programme wants a doctor that isn't board certified.."

Lexie sighed.

"You can always just retake them.. Okay, no, y'know what? When you come home tomorrow we are going to celebrate. Wine, dinner - No matter what. How's that sound? -"

April finally calmed down and nodded.

"That sounds nice.."

Lexie smiled, pulling her into a kiss.

"I love you, I'll be waiting.."

April nodded, getting on the bus finally as Alex, who'd been quite late, pushed past her.

All the attendings were giving their residents advice, and Lexie folded her arms as she watched. It was hard to believe that it would be her in that position next year..

She then spotted her sister in the corner of her eye and stepped over to Meredith and Derek, who seemed to be arguing..

Derek was holding Zola, and Meredith looked concerned, turning to Lexie and filling her in.

"She's got the stomach flu. She threw up at daycare, and she's got a temperature.. I can't take my boards today.."

Derek shook his head.

"Lexie, tell your sister that I'm perfectly capable of taking care of a sick baby.. it's almost like.. I'm a doctor? -"

Lexie looked to Meredith with a small smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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