1. yeah, we don't even talk

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(S7 × 1 - 3)

Lexie Grey was in a terrible mood this morning. She slept awfully, as she had most nights lately, and she was on trauma all day today, which was just so great.

April was walking through the hallway with her little clipboard, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

She looked so ridiculous, a doctor being that happy on a trauma ward, unheard of. Lexie was still watching her. She had been for a while now. It was actually embarrassing.

After she'd ended things with Mark and the shooting.. psych.. just everything these last few months, Lexie had been restless. The Mercy Westers, or what was left of them, were staying in Meredith's house now.

She hated them at first. Jackson with his stupid skincare routine, awful jokes, and still lived in the house even though he reeked of nepotism.

April who started a shitty chore wheel, April who stole the room that was meant to be her's, April who did Lexie's laundry by accident and came into the attic unannounced with a huge pile of her underwear-

She was always around..

But, she actually made really good soup and always smelled nice, sort of like fresh roses..

She was there for her when she got out of psych, she made sure she was taking her medication and sleeping.

And Lexie felt bad for her, she'd lost her friend Reed and now she kind of had no one so she didn't really know why April had been so nice to her, especially since they hadn't gotten along in the past.

It was weird. They'd hang out sometimes, but Lexie wouldn't really call it hanging out. They'd never gone to Joe's together or sat together at lunch. They weren't really friends.

She would admit that she didn't mind April as much as she did when she first met her.. perhaps she liked her a little more than she liked most people.. but that was a secret between her and the boxes of Christmas ornaments she slept beside in the attic.

Lexie watched April as she walked down the ward. How did she manage to keep her positive attitude after everything she'd been through in the last year? Lexie had certainly lost hers a long time ago..


April Kepner was on her way to check on a patient who had been in a pretty nasty accident the other day and was out of surgery at last.

She saw Lexie in the corner of her eye. She was clearly watching her, but the second April noticed she glanced away.

Lexie had been weird with her ever since she moved into the house. The hospital shooting had taken a toll on everyone's mental health, and April knew to give everyone some space, especially Lexie. For the first few weeks, she noticed she hadn't been sleeping and was really worried about her.

Between group therapy, watching Lexie's leg bounce up and down a something she'd noticed happened when she was nervous, seeing as she tried to hold back tears..

She really cared about Lexie - more than she thought she ever could. She supposed that they had a shared trauma, and it made them somewhat closer.

When she'd heard about her breakdown at the hospital, April was worried sick. She stayed up worrying about her, she was a worrier. For Reed, for Charles, for everyone.

She never told Lexie about that, though, a secret between herself and God.

When she came home, April carried on without making it too obvious. She started doing Lexie's laundry for her, just little things like making sure she ate before, during, and after work. She made soup. She made small talk and gave her lifts to work.

The two had become somewhat acquaintances.

"Hey Lexie!"

April gave her a warm smile, clutching her clipboard to her chest.

Lexie nodded before passing through her, walking away.

But they definitely weren't friends..

LAPRIL - i say don't let me go (and you say why can't we be friends?)Where stories live. Discover now