4. there it is again, that funny feeling

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Being on peds today, April decided to talk to Arizona. She was quite literally one of the only lesbians that she knew - or at least - knew of. They'd barely talked.

She saw the attending outside the elevator and decided to just go up to her. They were barely acquaintances, but April was feeling brave today.

"Hey- Dr. Robbins- Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Arizona lifted her head from the chart she was reading and smiled slightly.

"Oh, Kepner? Are you okay?- Something wrong with my patient?"

April shook her head, looking around.

"No, no- could we maybe go somewhere private?"

Arizona raised an eyebrow but nodded, leading them both to a supply closet and closed the door behind April as she stepped in.

"What's up?"

April didn't think it would actually get this far, so she had no idea what to say.

"I- Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Depends, how personal?"

"How did you know you liked.. girls?"

Arizona's expression softened a bit. She smiled at April, her guard was down, and it was a bit scary.

"Well- I always knew, I had a poster of Cindy Crawford in my room, and I wasn't looking at her beauty mark -"

April froze as Arizona laughed at her own joke.

"That was meant to be a joke - but anyway, I finally brought home a girl, and my mom wasn't surprised.. I thought my dad would be mad, but he didn't care. I was lucky."

Arizona watched as April nodded.

"Why'd you ask?"

She shook her head.

"No reason..."

Arizona shrugged, turning for the door.

"Actually no- I asked because I think I have feelings for someone... a girl? I've never had that before.. maybe I have, and I misinterpreted it, but I don't know -"

Arizona did a full 360°, facing April once again.

"Is this a close friend - a hookup, someone from the hospital?"

April thought carefully on her answer.

"Kind of - All three? How did you meet Dr Torres..?"

Arizona chuckled.

"I quite literally followed her into the bathroom at Joe's and kissed her."

"Oh- wow.."

"Yeah, I'm pretty determined -"

April sighed. She'd never be able to do something like that.

"I just don't know what to do because she wants to pretend it never happened -"

Arizona's pager went off before she could answer properly.

"I'm really sorry, April - uh, maybe tell her how you feel? I have to go -"

April nodded, watching the attending leave, and she crumbled to the floor. This wasn't exactly how she pictured her afternoon going.

She just needed to talk to Lexie. She needed to explain why she was mad at her this morning. Maybe she'd get something out of it.


Lexie sat in the canteen with Meredith, Cristina, and Alex because she had nowhere else to sit, assuming April was sitting in the spot in the tunnels.

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