12. i'd marry you with paper rings

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It was the morning of Callie and Arizona's wedding, and the apartment was a mess.

They'd been living there a little over 2 weeks now, but it didn't take long for them to settle in.

April scouted her wardrobe for a dress to wear to the wedding while Lexie sat on the bed, curlers in, doing her makeup.

"Ugh, I have nothing nice to wear to this thing, and I want to at least try.."

Lexie looked over to her girlfriend, her little frustrated pout making her chuckle a little bit.

"Hey, just wear one of mine, I don't mind.. Don't stress so much.."

April sighed, moving to Lexie's side of the wardrobe, and started sorting through some of her dresses.

Lexie went back to doing her makeup in the mirror, still glancing at April every so often.

She searched for a good 5 minutes before she pulled out a white dress with flowers on it.

"I think I'll try this one.."

Lexie smiled, giving her a quick thumbs up through the mirror as April went to put on the dress.

When she did put it on, April really liked it. It was pretty much a perfect fit on her, which was also the reason why she was slowly stealing all of Lexie's hoodies.

"What do you think?"

April spun around in the dress with a smile.

"I think you look beautiful, like you always do.."

April stepped over to give her a kiss on the cheek. It was their first event that they'd be going to like this. Together, as dates.

It was going to be nice, they'd sit and watch the ceremony, maybe mingle with a few glasses of wine and eat food and cake and dance then come back here and collapse.

April was excited. She loved weddings, she had been planning her dream wedding since she was 12 years old. Whenever that day came for her, it would be perfect, and she'd make sure of it.

Lexie was always indifferent about weddings. Marriage was a big deal. It was romantic to see the two people say their vows and do all the sappy stuff..

The weddings she'd been to from people at the hospital had been nice, but Lexie just thought she'd take a page out of her sister's book one day and get married on a post-it note. It was so much less stress.


When they were both ready, Lexie and April arrived at Meredith's house to collect the boys, but they were greeted by Derek, who looked pretty dishevelled holding Zola, who also looked a little dishevelled.

Lexie looked at him sternly.

"What is this? Why aren't you ready?"

Derek sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"I had a long surgery and woke up ten minutes ago.. She's been up, but Mer's helping with the flower arrangements.."

April gave him a sympathetic nod, taking Zola from Derek's arms.

"We can get her ready, you.. You also need to get ready..."

Lexie eased off on her judgemental staring and followed April up to Zola's room.

They quickly found her little dress hanging on the wardrobe along with her shoes.

"Oh, you're going to look adorable, Zo!"

April smiled, starting to help the baby into her dress while Lexie did her hair. They weren't half bad at it, and Zola looked so cute.

Zola cooed quietly, happy to be fussed over by her favourite aunties. April played with her while Lexie went to round up Alex and Jackson.

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