9. but if you kiss me now, i know you'd fool me again (pt 2/2)

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The following morning, Lexie stepped into the kitchen, and she saw Zola happily eating her breakfast.

Lexie smiled at the baby, and then she was met with Meredith, who had a purposely intimidating look on her face.

"Um, good morning?"

Meredith sighed, pulling out a seat, and Lexie sat down.

"Are you still in love with Mark?"

What was this, an intervention?

Lexie grimaced, hating the bluntness of the question.


"Lexie, are you sure?"

Lexie looked to her sister in annoyance. She came down for breakfast not an interrogation.

"Why are you asking me?"

Meredith stood up and leaned over the table. dropping her voice to a whisper.

"April said that's why you two ended tbings-"

Lexie furrowed her brow. Why was Meredith talking about April now?

"Mer, that is none of your business, and it's also not true! We broke up because I said some things that I regret.. and I miss her.. more than anything.."

Lexie looked off at the wall, avoiding eye contact with her sister as she was finally admitting it not only to herself but to saying it out loud as well.

Meredith stood up straight again, feeling sorry for her sister now.

"Oh- I'm sorry.."

Lexie shrugged it off.

"It's fine, you didn't know.. I was jealous of Mark thriving after the shooting like nothing had happened while I was struggling.. and then the second I was getting better, he went and got even more happy.. That's why I was mad.. it really has nothing to do with Mark.. or April.. it's all me."

Lexie finally said, sighing in relief.

Meredith raised an eyebrow.

"Then you should tell April that -"

Lexie thought about it she definitely needed to tell April how she felt and how sorry she was for being such a jerk..

"Maybe I should - where is she?"

Meredith looked sheepish now. She felt guilty.

"April is on her way to the airport. She's heading home for Christmas -"

Lexie looked across in frustration.

"Are you kidding me!?"

Meredith checked her watch.

"If you're there in 40 minutes, you might catch her before she gets on that plane?.."

And Lexie was out the door in minutes, her coat over her cat pyjamas.

If she let this argument hover over April while she was away for Christmas, then they'd never resolve anything.

She felt like she was in one of those corny Hallmark movies where the guy rushes to the airport to catch the girl of his dreams.

She really did love April. She felt terrible for everything she'd said, and she figured that maybe this grand gesture would at least get them talking again.


April had just gone through security and was wheeling her suitcases to her terminal. She was feeling quite unaccomplished leaving Seattle. She was leaving everything that was bothering her behind..

She knew that running wasn't always the best way to deal with problems, but when they're constantly surrounding you, that's when you need to escape.

She continued to walk through the busy airport when she swore she heard someone call her name. She turned around to the crowd of people.

She was probably hearing things, there was a lot of other April's in the world..

She walked again, hearing the calling again, and that's when she turned around for the last time and saw none other than Lexie Grey legging it towards her. She looked ridiculous.

"April! Wait!-"

Lexie called after her, and April began walking towards her. This felt like it wasn't real. How could this be real?

"Lexie- I-"

"No! I'm sorry, I was such an ass. I am well over Mark Sloan, I am not in love with him! I'm in love with you, April Kepner. I love you. And not as a friend, definitely more than a friend - I just. I wanted you to know how I feel.. and I'm rambling.."

April simply didn't know what to say, Lexie was here.. in her cat pyjamas. And April heard every word she was saying.

She stared at her blankly for a few seconds.. before dropping the handle of her suitcase and cupping Lexie's face to lean in for a kiss.

She couldn't care less about the people around them watching this movie-like love confession unfold before their very eyes.

"I love you too Lexie-"

Lexie wrapped her arms around April's waist, pulling her in closer.

They kissed each other until they both ran out of air. Lexie sighed, looking into April's eyes.

"Don't go, I just want you to stay.."

April looked down at the ground, thinking about her options.

"I mean- I suppose I have an emergency surgery and won't make my flight - "

Lexie's face relaxed. April was going to stay in Seattle.

"Oh, thank god.."

April picked up her suitcase and held out her hand, Lexie took her hand with a smile.

"Did you really run in your cat pjs to try and catch me?-"

Lexie nodded, catching her breath.

"Yeah - that's what you do for the people you love."


The pair and other people in the house spent Christmas together, Jackson went to his moms house (or mansion, you never know with that guy), but Alex stayed, Derek and Meredith made sure Zola was having fun.

April and Lexie just enjoyed each other's company. They sat by the fireplace, messing with each other's hair and watching Christmas movies.

It was hard to believe the day before they hadn't been on speaking terms, but it was also clear that they'd learnt a valuable lesson on clear communication.

That night, Lexie held April in her arms and told her how much she loved her. They fell asleep together, soundly.

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