Chapter 49: Plan B

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Goku Black noticed how Vegeta and Goku were trying their best. So far the GODs were just playing with them. They grab Goku and Vegeta and threw them on the ground. Goku Black was trying to find a way to beat them. But he was having trouble.

Goku Black muttered "Damn it...We can't fight them..."

Riot said "What's wrong saiyan~ Can't beat us~" He puts his foot by his head. "We got word that we will head to your realm and your planet universe as well~ So I hope you enjoy otherworld because your going to die." He held his hakai on his hand. Goku Black looked down. He was shook. He couldn't anything. He was on base form. "Lucifer said we are gonna kill your family first~ So maybe I should take your mate and maybe have a good time with her and kill her in the process. Haha!" He begins to laugh as Goku Black was getting mad. The ground begins to shake.

Xiven said "What is this power..." He looked around and he felt the power close by. It was near Riot. He suddenly sees Goku Black hair changing as Xivens eyes are wide open. "RIOT! KILL HIM BEFORE-" But it was too late. Goku Black's energy begins to skyrocket. A bright light began as sudddnly Riot stood there not feeling Goku Black behind him.

Goku Black said "Don't ever mention my damn demon..."

Riot said "W-Wait what the-" Suddenly he felt something hit his stomach. Xiven looked in shock. He sees Goku Black's fist in Riots chest as Goku Black's eyes went red. Xiven heard stories of this form. It was the most dangerous forms to ever deal with. The Omni Form.

Xiven said "Damn it..that damn mortal! You will pay!" He tried to use his timeskip but Goku Black would grab Xivens hands and break them. Xiven screamed in pain. Goku and Vegeta just watched in shocked. Goku Black as now in his Omni form.


The Grand Priest said "Hey finally transformed...but it's still not mastered completely...but this could be enough to beat everyone.."

●Back In The Demon Realm●

Goku Black would stare at Riot who was struggling to get up. Goku Black held his hand out.

Goku Black said "Die..." He sent a powerful beam straight to Riots head killing him entirely. Every demon god felt Riots power energy not there anymore. Lucifer was shocked as he couldn't believe it. Now this was gonna be bad. He felt Xivens power going down.

Lucifer said "Pac! Ice! Go help Xiven! We need him alive!.."

Pac said "But my lord! You felt that energy we could die!"

Lucifer said "Just grab Xiven and get out of there!" They nodded and went to the battlefield of the universe 6 and 7.

Goku said "Vegeta.." He stood up as he was in his base form. He was lucky he was up because his Master UI managed to save his life from the attack of Xiven. Vegeta huffed as he sit up.

Vegeta said "I'm fine Kakarot..but Black is not." He points to Goku Black senselessing destroying each part of Xivens body. He broke his legs and arms and hands.

Goku Black said "So not so tough don't ever talk crap about my family and even plan on killing them...they are mine...and you shall die with that damn saiyan demon..." Xivens eyes were staring at Goku Black's eyes as he coughed blood.

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