Chapter 36: Goku Black Purposal

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Goku Black was training as his son watches. Zamasu too watches him. Jessi sighs at him.

Jessi said "You know Zamasu. Ever since me and Goku Black had our son we never really had a wedding to be wife and husband. Just girlfriend and boyfriend."

Zamasu said "Is there such a difference?"

Jessi said "Well yes. Marriage is when a woman and man are together forever and have a big bond. It will never be broken. Just like Goku and his wife, Gohan and his wife and also Vegeta with Bulma."

Zamasu said "I see. So you want this marriage with Jim. To make it complete?"

Jessi said "Yes but I'm afraid."

Zamasu said "Well let's be honest I don't think he even knows marriage so what's to be afraid."

Jessi said "Oh yeah I forgot about the whole memory thing. Well maybe he could guess it. He's a smart guy hehe."

Zamasu said "It's worth a try. Hey GB get over here!"

Goku Black said "Sup guys. Need something?" He holds his son Gozu as Gozu plays with Goku Black's hair.

Zamasu said "Do you know what marriage is?"

Goku Black said "Marriage? Um is it some food?"

Jessi face palm as Zamasu laughs softly. Goku Black was confused as he sees Jessi take Gozu.

Jessi said "This will take a while to explain." Goku Black was still thinking about marriage as he still didn't understand. "How about you ask your friends about it. Like Vegeta. He certainly knows about marriage."

Goku Black said "Alright I'll speak with him." He flies away to go see Vegeta.

●Meanwhile at Capsule Corp●



Vegeta yells back "THE HELLS DEODORANT. YOU HUMANS ARE SO WEIRD. I USED THE SOAP!" The doorbell rings as Bulma check her computer to see Goku Black.

Bulma said "Oh its Goku Black. I wonder why he is here." She opens the door. "Hey there GB, what brings you here?"

Goku Black said "Hey bulma. I was wondering if I could ask Vegeta about marriage." Bulma laughs softly.

Bulma said "Vegeta knowing marriage is very funny. He thought marriage was food."

Goku Black said "Well I guess I thought the same too." Bulma sweat dropped as she sighed and took his hand.

Bulma said "Follow me dummy." She took him to the library theater. She hands him 3 tapes. "These were my recordings of my wedding. Maybe this will help." He nodded as he flew away. He could ask Goku's wife about marriage. He puts the tapes in a bag..he flew to Goku's home. He lands as he sees Chi-Chi doing clothes.

Goku Black said "Hi Chi-Chi"

Chi-Chi said "Oh hey Goku Black. What brings you here?"

Goku Black said "I need some help. Could you explain what marriage is? Jessi told me what was marriage and well I didn't exactly know the answer and well I think she wants a marriage with me."

Chi-Chi yelled "What!? You two never gotten married!" Goku Black jumped a little as he nodded nervously. "Well marriage is a great thing! You and Jessi will be married and live happily as a family with Gozu. You two will have a big bond and your relationship will be a strong one. So that's why you guys have to get married. That's why Goku and I are married. We love each other and have a strong connection."

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