Chapter 27: A Very Cold King

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King Cold officially landed on Earth as he came out seeing so much life. It made him feel disgusted. He wanted to destroy this planet already.

King Cold said "Alright my elite soliders. I want you to find those filthly saiyans and bring them here. Do I make myself clear."

Soldiers said "Yes Lord Cold!" They flew away as King Cold sips his wine.

King Cold said "It's been a while since I fought. But it's due to that transformation of's too crazy that my son is using it. It's making him more crazy but also less at the same time. At least he has control over it." He sighs as he sits on his throne seat outside and he waits.


The Z Warriors and Turles, Goku Black, Zamasu were all training as they sense energy. Vegeta noticed this ki before.

Vegeta said "Frieza Force! Everyone we need to get ready! If he arrived then he's waiting for us! We must stop him before our planet is destoryed!"

Everyone nodded as everyone flew to the ki of the frieza force. They noticed them as the frieza force flee. They Z warriors didn't know what they were heading into. They stopped to see King Cold.

King Cold said "Ah so my plan worked. Great. Oh my, Vegeta is that you." He laughs softly. "My my, you grown so much. How's your father doing. Oh wait your planet got destoryed hoo hoo hoo!" He laughs softly. Vegeta clenched his fist. He turn blue evolution as he charged at Cold but suddenly Cold just disappeared.

Vegeta said "Where is he!"

King Cold said "Up here Prince Vegeta." He smirked at him. He took off his cape and armor as he began to transform. Vegeta was in shocked at how much ki he was feeling. This was King Cold's final form!? It was stronger than frieza's golden form.

Vegeta said "What power!"

King Cold said "I never use this form until fourth form.."

Goku said "Woah this King Cold guy must be strong. Vegeta you sure you don't need help?" He looks at him as Vegeta went and charged at King Cold as all Cold did was fight back as they were somehow equally matched.

King Cold said "All my secret training paid off haha." They fought as Goku and the Z Gang watch.

Goku Black said "Goku we must help vegeta. He can't win this."

Goku said "Don't worry Vegeta trained with his ego form. He'll use it when it's time."

Goku Black said "I hope so.." He watches King Cold gut punch Vegeta and sent him down the ground as he blast so many ki blasts towards Vegeta.

King Cold said "Come on prince. My son told me you have a purple form. Says it's very strong. I wanna test your power!" He sent a death energy ball towards Vegeta as it was massive. Vegeta looks and his eyes wide open.

Vegeta said "He's gonna try and destory earth damn it.." He had to go ultra ego as he screams and powers up into his Ultra Ego form and sent the blast away and telelports from behind Cold. Cold didn't see him in time as Vegeta yells at Cold.

Vegeta said "Final!! Flash!!!" He blast a big final flash towards Cold as Cold was caught in the explosion. Cold huffed as he was damaged but he smirked.

Cold said "My my strong..I wonder why you won against my eldest son. Now for the grand finale of mine. You may know this very well." He transforms into Golden Cold. It was very golden and shiny as Vegeta watched and he was ready for the battle of his life.

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