Chapter 7: Gogeta Blue vs Goku Black Rose 3

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Gogeta and Goku Black battle it out. It was neck to neck. Gogeta was trying to find a way to beat Goku Black's new form. His new form was powerful and it made him very fast. His speed was very quick. Goku Black was in so much rage.

Gogeta said "GB you need to calm down!" Gogeta grunts at Goku Black not listening at all. He saw GB's dark purple eyes just full of hate. They fought for a while as Gogeta send Goku Black to a crater. Gogeta wasn't breaking much of a sweat but GB came out instantly and punched Gogeta straight in the face and kicks him up and down the ground.

Goku Black released a big Kamehameha at Gogeta as Gogeta had use to his energy to try and deflect it as it was very strong.

Goku Black yells "Dieeee!!" He increased the blast more as Gogeta had to instant transmission. The blast made a huge hole in the ground and thunder rose more.

Gogeta said "Jeez..he's becoming more of Broly..wait..broly can calm down by that green woman. So wait.." He turned to the lifeless body of Jessi. "That's it!" He quickly flew towards to Jessi direction as Goku Black suddenly appears in front of Gogeta.

GB yelled "Don't touch her!" He ki blast gogeta which he got hit from but Gogeta suddenly gut punches GB and then grabs Jessi and instant transmission himself and Jessi to the lookout. Dende and Piccolo saw him.

Piccolo yell at Gogeta "What the hell is going on! And why is GB spouse here and-" He suddenly gotten the picture. He felt GB energy spiked when he felt the energies of frieza, goku and goku black when they fought and also felt the increase of power of goku black. "Put her down. Dende will handle it. For now control Black. Stall for a few minutes."

Gogeta said "I only got 10 minutes Piccolo. You better hurry." He instant transports back to the battlefield where GB was destroying mountains and lakes as he turns around to see Gogeta.

Goku Black yells "Where did you take her saiyan!"

Gogeta said "I will tell you if you calm down!"

Goku Black "Why stop me! I wanna kill that bastard frieza!"

Gogeta sighs "He may be heartless but killing him won't do anything.." Goku Black charges at him and Gogeta suddenly went kaioken as he manages to take Goku Black's hits and dodge them and hit back and blast him in the ground. He start to charge his final Kamehameha at Goku Black.

Goku Black saw the light of the ki.

Gogeta said "Final Kamehameha!" The blast goes straight towards GB as GB had to use all the energy to take on the blast. It explodes and GB was hurt but alive. Gogeta defused. Goku and Vegeta stare at Goku Black as Goku went to go grab a senzu to heal GB but Vegeta stopped him.

Vegeta said "Kakarot. Let's wait till Piccolo heals the woman of GB. I think that would be better. Take him to the lookout. I know frieza and Cooler left this damn planet..damn it."

Goku said "Okay Vegeta" He takes Goku. Black as he teleports himself and vegeta to the lookout. Jessi was healed as he saw Goku Black all bruised up but Goku gave him a senzu as he was all healed up but just his top of his gi was ripped. Black woke up slowly and sees Jessi.

Goku Black said "J-Jessi!" He hugged her tightly as they both cry happily. "Oh I am so sorry...I am also sorry goku and vegeta..I couldn't contain myself."

Goku said "It's fine GB. We understand. Your lucky you are alive. Anyways your new form is so impressive! Oh man I should ask zenny for a tournament!"

Vegeta said "Kakarot! What have you been thinking! You want us to be erased! I'm not going to do that ever again!"

Goku said "Aw come on vegeta. We got new forms from.doing that tournament!"

Vegeta said "Well I didn't have a choice!"

Goku said "True." He pouts. He thinks as he smirks. "I got it! We could ask Whis if he could make a tournament for us!"

Vegeta said "Oh really and how will he accept that" Goku laughs as he knows exactly what he could do to bribe Whis into making a tournament arena.

●Meanwhile In Beerus Planet●

Whis was walking through the grass he was admiring the nice breeze. He finished watering the plants of the garden and also monitoring planet life as well.

Whis sigh and said "Lord Beerus still asleep. Oh how I wish to go to Earth and try their best food." Suddenly Goku appeared in front Whis which got Whis to jump a bit. "Son Goku don't scare me like that! Why are you here. Looks like you brought a bag?" He tilt his head in curiosity.

Goku chuckles and said "Hehe well Whis. I have a favor to ask. Could you pretty please make a tournament arena.

Whis said "Goku I am not some construction builder. I'm an angel there's no way you can talk me out of this."

Goku said "Well I brought all the ramen bowls from bulma's secret stash that you so love." Whis eyes glow in joy and grabs the bag quickly.

Whis suddenly goes calm again "Alright where will you want this tournament arena held?"

Goku said "A planet where its far from earth and safe. Also I wanna invite Universe 11 and 6 to be fighters in the tournament."

Whis said "Alright then I will notify my sisters about this and your tournament arena will be made. What day shall it be on?"

Goku said "In a month"

Whis nods and leaves as Goku teleported back to the lookout.

Vegeta said "I see your back. What did whis say?"

Goku gives vegeta the famous son smile and he said "We got our tournament! We will be face Universe 6 and 11! I can't wait to face off against Jiren! Wait we need our team."

Vegeta looks at him and said "No frieza at all this time!"

Goku nods and thinks as he said "Let's bring 17, Broly, Goku Black, Goten and Trunks, Gohan, and Piccolo."

Vegeta said "One more we need." Goku thinks and smiles.

Goku said "Pan!"

Piccolo and Vegeta yelled "What!?!"

Piccolo said "No goku she is still a child. She is still training!"

Goku chuckles and said "She has potential. And with you and me training her. She will be strong and tough!" Piccolo sighs as he knows Gohan might not like the idea of his daughter fighting in a tournament.

Vegeta said "I'm heading home. I'm getting tired. Bye green man and kakarot." He leaves as Piccolo leaves. GB took Jessi home and leaves. Goku went home as well.


Pan was training outside as she was a 6 year old child. She was following her grandfather's footsteps of becoming a martial artist and also a scholar so her parents would be proud of her being smart. Gohan finished his work as he heard noises outside as he noticed Pan training. He smiled thinking of the times him and his dad trained in the hyperbolic time chamber when he was 11 at the time. He sees Pan as the new successor of watching and protecting earth.

Videl said "Pan time to come in and wash up and go to bed!"

Pan said "I will mama!" She went inside. She washed up and went to bed as Gohan went to Videl.

Gohan said "She fights like you" He chuckled.

Videl said "Well she gets it from her mother but she also got her smartness from you." She giggled as they went to bed.


Goku Black was sleeping as the voices comes out.

Voice said "Goku Black a new threat is coming. Be ready. He wants all saiyans gone.."

Goku Black wakes up instantly as he was in sweat and panic as he sighs and went back to bed. As he thinks of what the voice meant by "he wants the saiyans gone."

To be continued...

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