Chapter 34: Prison Planet Part 4

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Fu was traveling in the demon realm as he stops to a castle.

Fu said "He must be here." He smirked as he flew inside as he sees a big throne and also many demon guards.

Demon Guard yells "Intruder protect the king!"

Fu said "Woah woah..I come in peace! I am Fu. Grandson of King Zutan of the demon realm." Zutan sees his grandson. He chuckles softly.

Zutan said "Ah Fu my boy. How's it been. What brings you here?"

Fu said "Doing great old man. I need a little favor. Do you happen to have a demon fruit."

Zutan said "Yes I do my boy. May I wonder why you need it?"

Fu said "I need to make more energy for this project I am making. A new Universe with my demon tree. I am almost finished but I need more power. So I was wondering if I could have it."

Zutan said "Of course. Of course. Say have you seen your parents? They beem looking for you."

Fu said "No..I don't wanna be with them nor even talk with them..they are no fun and only care about getting a promotion ranking in the demon realm. If you see them. Tell them I don't wanna talk or see them." Zutan nodded as he sees Fu leave. Then suddenly Towa and Mira come.

Zutan said "Ah Towa and Mira. How's it going."

Mira said "Cut the crap old man..where is he."

Zutan said "He just left not a while ago. But he told me that you should leave him be. He doesn't want to pursuit to join your side."

Towa said "Damn it.."

Mira said "It's time we leave the damn child Towa."

Towa said "Buts he our son.."

Mira said "He's a lost cause." She was upset about this and leaves with Mira.


Trunks and the gang make it to a weird forest. He sees a big tree and notices Fu.

Trunks said "Look Fu."

Cooler said "He has some fruit."

Xeno Vegeta said "Wait what fruit is it?"

Cooler said "A dark red and black fruit why?"

Xeno Vegeta said "Oh no...not that fruit. Quick everyone get him before he uses that fruit. That's a demon power fruit." They charge at Fu as he noticed this as Fu quickly disappeared and reappeared.

Fu said "You are so rude." He laughs softly as Zamasu comes behind and snatches the fruit. "What the hell!" Zamasu smirks as he throws it to Goku Black.

Goku Black said "Haha got your fruit."

Fu said "G-Give it back!" Goku Black laugh and shakes his head at Fu.

Goku Black said "Why do you need it so badly. It does look yummy." He eats the fruit as Xeno Vegeta had his eyes widen.

Xeno Vegeta yelled "You idiot why did you eat it!"

Goku Black said "Mmm! That was good! Plus Fu doesn't have to use it for whatever he needs it for."

Zamasu said "You dumbass! That was a demon fruit of power...gosh he has gokus brain cells.."

Goku Black said "Oh shut up you!"

Xeno Vegeta said "Goku Black you made a big mistake eating that..."

Goku Black said "But I saved us from having him create a new universe."

Xeno Vegeta said "Yes but that fruit has so much power. You ate the whole fruit...that fruit will now consume everything in your body.." Fu was angry as his power went crazy. Everyone back up. Goku Black went kinds weird but he tries to shake it off. Fu suddenly ly transforms as his hair spiked. It was similar to a super saiyan form. He was angry.

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