Chapter 9: Pans New Power and Shocking Arrival

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Gohan was waking up. He felt like he a dream about her daughter being 16 in front of eyes. He then noticed Pan as he screams in shock.

Pan yelled "Papa! Stop being so dramatic! Sheesh" She pouts as she looks at him.

Gohan said "I haven't seen you in 10 days! Plus since you were there you grew up so much."

Videl said "To be honest I'm shocked that she looks like me when I was young." She goes close to her. "Also why are you in super saiyan pan?"

Pan said "To get use to this form. I need to control it. Master Rose told me that if I need to use any of my super saiyan forms correctly, I need to make sure to control it first by being like this. Grandpa Goku will be so excited hehe! When he sees me in a super saiyan."

Gohan said "So did you only learn super saiyan?" Pan shook her head.

Pan said "I learned the next level of super saiyan and even 3!" Gohan was in shocked. His daughter learned to transform the 3 forms in under 10 days of training well 10 years. "I am also learning to reach the form of a God. Mr. Rose told me his form was a God form and it could help learn the ways of learning God ki. But he told me maybe Grandpa Goku could teach me since Mr. Rose doesn't know how to teach me with the level God ki." Gohan was just surprised and smiled. Her daughter was this strong and even stronger than him.

Videl said "Well Missy. Your not little child. Your going to school still. Well high school. Since your 16. Oh man this so weird. Our daughter was so small and now look at her. She is taller than me." She sighs but smiles. "But at least she looks like me. Oh man I'm feeling very old." Gohan laughs as Videl hits his head gently. "Don't test me Gohan. Or your sleeping in the couch." Gohan nods nervously. "Alright Pan come with me. We are going shopping."

Pan said "Aww but I wanna see Grandpa Goku." She didn't like shopping it was her least favorite.

Videl said "After shopping, you can go see him." Pan understood as they went shopping.


Goku was training with Vegeta in their God blue forms. They kept fighting until they stop.

Goku said "Vegeta did you feel that?"

Vegeta said "Yes a strong a saiyan.." He was in his stance. Goku was too. But what surprised then was a female saiyan stopping to see them. Goku then noticed as the female saiyan tackled goku in a hug. A very confused goku was wondering why she was hugging him.

Pan said "Hehe Grandpa! Its me Pan!"

Vegeta yelled "What!? There's no way!? But wait.." He remembered when Pan was stuck in the chamber for 10 days. He looked at her hairstyle and it definitely resemble Videl.

Goku said "Woah Pan. Your so big and you seem strong too! I guess Goku Black gave you a great training session. Show me what you got."

Pan said "Right grandpa! Haaa" the ground shakes as Vegeta feels her energy spiked as he sees her turn super saiyan 3. He was in shocked. "Hehe! Suprise Grandpa and Veggie!" Goku was so excited as he already went blue.

Vegeta said "Wait kakarot!" He couldn't even warn him in time as they went at it. He watches as he was surprised Pan was putting a fight against Goku in his blue state. Goku was enjoying this fight as Pan was managing to get a few punches in. Goku noticed something. Pan was somewhat doing great but her power. It felt off. Like she was not going all put.

Goku said "Pan you better go all out! I know your hiding something."

Pan said "Fine Gramps you caught me hehe. I'm not at full power but here it goes. I'm still trying to control this form gramps so your gonna help me! Haaa!!" The ground shakes as suddenly Goku watches Pan transform. Her hair was back to her normal style as her hair changed color and so did her eyes as it turned red. She managed to achieve super saiyan god. "I can't control it much so this is gonna be fun!"

Goku said "Well let's do this Pan!" They fought as Vegeta was in shocked and awe that Pan was the first ever female hybrid saiyan to achieve the super saiyan god form. Let alone being very young to do so. Goku win the battle of course since Pan couldn't control her God ki energy. "Hehe great job Pan. I feel like your there to becoming a great warrior! Now your gonna need to train with someone else to control your God form. That's why I think Whis would be perfect. Your training will do great and help us for the upcoming tournament. Whis will explain everything to you when you get there. But I'm hungry let's eat." They eat together as Pan was so happy that Goku was able to see her be strong.

Pan said "Gramps. Will I ever be able to surpass you?" Goku chuckles and thinks.

Goku said "Well you will. Your gonna have to train hard, sleep well, and study hard. Being the guardian of earth may seem difficult but if you protect this planet long enough then yes you will."

Vegeta said "At least she's not clown like you. She would be an elite saiyan warrior." He eats as Goku laughs.

Goku said "Oh vegeta. So Pan where's GB? I was wishing to spar with him."

Pan said "Oh well I think he went to see his girlfriend. I heard he wanted to spend time but also he told me something in the time chamber. He told me some voice told him about someone taking out the saiyans."

Vegeta said "Well he could be just imaginating things. Could be a bad dream."

Goku said "Honestly maybe..but if that were to happen we will stop it."

Pan said "Well I'm happy to be in the team. When is the tournament?"

Goku said "In a month. So train and rest well Pan."

Pan nods as she said "Right Gramps. Well bye!" She leaves to go home.


Goku Black was training as he heard the voice in his mind.

Goku Black said "What do you want! I'm not really sure why you want to tell me this stuff. Why does it matter to me!"

Voice said "It's because you will meet a man that is you. He hates the saiyans. You are the one that could prevent this from happening. Help your friends. If not we are doom." Goku Black sighs as he didn't know what to do. He had to focus on the tournament.


Gowasu was walking towards his dining table as he sits down. He felt a breeze hit as he sense something. It was very familiar. Suddenly from behind Zamasu appear.

Gowasu said "So your alive."

Zamasu said "Yes...I wanna know something. Is those saiyans alive in this timeline.." Gowasu nodded. "Don't stop me or I will kill you again master.." He disappeared as Gowasu was in shocked. He didn't know what to do. He had to call U7 about this. But if he does Zamasu will kill him.

To be continued...

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