Chapter Fifteen

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James Levine:
It has been 3 full days since I last saw Kat. She hasn't left my mind for a second, she hasn't stopped calling and texting me. I actually broke my phone when she called for the thirstiest time, her name on my phone. Katherine Claire, it kills me every time. The texts, I can almost hear the desperate tone through the texts.
'James, please, I don't know what I did wrong.'
'Let's just talk about this.'
'Please pick up.'
Her sweet voice, begging such words, to get a guy like me back to her. She deserves better than me, everyone knows it, especially her friends. Staying away from someone has never been so hard. I want to be there for her, I want to protect her, I want to help her, I want to be inside of her skin.
The full 3 days, I spent in the secret society, or outside doing the usual stuff society does. Killing guilty people, saving the innocent. In these 3 days, I have filled out 17 murder forms, and those are for the people I actually killed, I haven't talked about the people that I tortured and let go, with the scare of their lives. Silas helped me for the most part, not Elijah he hates torturing people even if they're guilty. And Tyler begged to come, but that's not allowed, not before his 23rd birthday.
Silas told me many times that he is worried about me, usually, I have a lot of aggression in me. But I always keep in control and hidden for the most part. But in these 3 days, I didn't hold back a single punch, a single inch of anger. I gave it all to these guilty people.
The job as a teacher, I'm pretty sure I lost it, since I didn't show up for 4 whole days, without saying anything. The school tried to call me many times, but I don't feel obligated to pick up and explain what has been going on.
Losing that job is more of a good thing rather than a bad thing. I get to be with Kat out in the open, I get top spent more time in the society. Money has never been a worry to me, whenever I need money, all I have to do is shut down a women trafficking company and take every last penny they have. Not many people of the society like to do this with all the money, since it's easy to cover up just 500 dollars, but a lot harder with larger amounts of money. As for myself, I couldn't care less, cops won't catch me. And if they do, I have my money hidden in very good places, and we are prepared for a raid, if we get any alert that they're coming, we are all moving to a different city and just starting over there.
The society will forever keep up its guard and keep every single town nearby safe from crimes, especially a town such as New York.
"Excuse me, is something sitting here?" A soft female voice interrupts my thoughts.
"Go ahead." I gesture for her to sit down, and move over as a sign that I am not interested in any human interaction right now. I am just burying myself in my thoughts, if I had my 'diary' with me, right now would've been the perfect moment to use it.
My curiosity gets the better of me and I look up at her. Orange alike hair falls down her shoulders, not curly, but not straight either. If someone had hair like hers I would definitely recognize her, I don't recognize this girl.
"You new?"
She nods her head as if she is too scared to speak. Somewhere I hope she is, I hope she is intimidated by me, it shows not ever to fuck with me. At the same time, I don't want anyone from the society to ever be afraid of me. We are a team together, we accompany each other, we don't scare each other in any way.
"What's your name?"
"Diana," I repeat out loud. "Pretty name."
"What is yours?" Her voice matches her appearance, and her appearance matches together with her voice. Diana is the total picture, she will be very popular one day in the society. She will be able to trick the criminal men with her beauty. She's gorgeous, beautiful, with the perfect body, the perfect voice.
"James." A pause. "James Levine is the name."
"I've heard of that name, you're part of the Raven family." Diana waits for me to say something back. When I don't she speaks again. "How old are you James?" I cringe at the way she says my name as if she knows me for months upon months.
Using the force of my hands I sit up straighter on the cough and turn to look her right into her eyes. Blue, bright blue eyes, that match so perfectly with her hair.
"Sorry if you don't feel like talking, it's just, my first day here... And... I don't know that many people here, so I'm just trying my best to socialize and you're the first person that I see here so I thought..."
"Stop with the self pitying, that's not going to get you far here." Now I wonder how my mom and Dante allowed her to be a part of the society. She is so fragile, so sensitive, the thoughts from before get washed over. Diana won't be popular in the society, the way she acts right now, people will push her buttons a lot.
Her eyebrows lift up a bit, as if she's impressed with my age, or the way I still look young while I'm going in my thirties, why I am here if I'm thirty. I wonder which one she is thinking.
"You think that's old?"
"I... Maybe I do, I'm 23, turned 23 yesterday."
"Happy late birthday." In the second I look away from her I roll my eyes, I don't understand how mom and Dante accepted a girl at such age, how they found her or even how she found us.
"Thank you, I didn't really celebrate though, I don't have many friends, that's why I'm so glad I got here to the society, hopefully, I can make some friends here. And hopefully, we can be friends."
My head starts to throb and I rest it in my hands.
"Stop with the self-pitying Diana, no one cares. And I don't have any friends. How did they accept you? Do you even know how to hurt someone without crying yourself?"
A sigh leaves my lips as I get up.
"Why are you such a bitch to me? I thought people are nice here." The sudden change in attitude gets my attention. Slowly, I turn around, and her expression has changed completely. From the sweet innocent girl, to the devil without wings.
"So that's why they hired you, you are a two-sided witch."
"Excuse me?" Diana gets up too, and suddenly, she is closer than I thought. Not quite as tall as me, I would say a whole 7 inches shorter, but she has the balls to be right up my face.
"Do you want to say that again?"
"Good, this is how you're supposed to be, hard, ruthless." I lean down to whisper in her ear. With a gentle breeze, I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, giving me more space to talk. "A little bitch." Lastly, I give her a pat on her head, like she is my pet, and walk away from her. Leaving her completely stunned, she will definitely hate me now, the thing is, I don't care if people like me or hate my guts, I will survive. And if they hate me or not, I will always protect them in a fight. Not everyone has to like me, I don't want everyone to like me. I want the people here to respect me, and everyone does.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?"
"James Levine, serial killer, cold-hearted multi-millionaire, and boyfriend of Katherine Ella Claire." The shocked look on her face leaves me amused.
For the second time, I turn around again to get the hell out of here, I need to put my rage into something else. I need to see her, I am going to see her.
A sound forms in the back of her throat, she is clearly irritated with me. And then... A sharp pain takes over everything. The pain spreads itself from my lower back to my spine. Diana kicked me, right in my back. Who knew such a girl with self-pity could kick like that?
"Ugh, you bitch." The pain becomes so much I almost fall to my knees but I don't want to give her that satisfaction. Instead, I wrap my hand right around her throat and push her against the nearest wall. Fear spreads in her eyes, suddenly, she's not such a big girl anymore, she doesn't have anything to say. She can't even speak, my hand is squeezing. Not even with full force, when she starts begging for air.
"James..." Her breath is shallow, her saying my name, the female voice, it reminds me too much of Kat. I press harder and harder, her skin turns into this blue alike color.
"Fucking raise your voice again," Diana says nothing, unable to speak because of the pressure. "That's what I thought."
A minute more like this and she's going to pass out. I hope she does, she deserves it, being such a bitch to me. I have been here for 30 fucking years, she is here for not even a day and tries to be friends with me.
A presence comes into the room, but I couldn't care less. All of my attention and anger are focused on the girl in front of me. Her lips are in a tight line, her chest moves up and down like crazy.
"What's going on here?!" The voice sounds familiar, angry, raging mad, even madder than I am right now.
"Get the hell off her!"
Two hands grip both of my shoulders and pull me back, forcing my hands to let go of her throat. I fall right back, on my back, which already hurt from her shoe right in my lower back. The thought of her giving me pain gives me more anger.
Diana sinks onto the floor, with her own hands wrapped tightly around her throat, breathing like she has never tasted air before. The fear in her eyes worse than when I was right in front of her.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
I lift my head off the floor first, just to have a quick look at the person speaking to me. Dante. Him acting like a father to me currently, brings out the last drops of rage.
With the last bit of energy I have left in my body,- after squeezing the life out of Diana's throat -I jump right onto Dante, pressing his body into the floor. Dante is trying to push me off, but we both know I am so much stronger than him. First I hit his cheek, then his chest, until I lose complete control.
"Sedate him!"
I want to ask what he means, when I feel a sharp needle sliding right through my neck. Right behind me is the silhouette of Silas, my own half-brother by blood... How could he do this?
The sound around me fades slowly, I no longer hear Dante's screams, I no longer feel the pain from Dante hitting me back, I no longer see the blood coming from us both.

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