Chapter Two

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Kat Claire:
For the last time I brush my mascara through my thick lashes. They're very thick from themselves, just like the hair on top of my head. But I can't help but feel prettier with the slight touch of make-up.
Every girl has it right?
I was supposed to meet my friends at 8PM and it is currently 8:12PM, and I haven't even left my house yet. The last touch of my make-up routine is lipstick, for this look I put on a bright red lipstick, it suits together with my golden rings and my beautiful black dress. Maybe I'm desperate for a guy's attention. When I was between the ages of 18 and 20 it was easy to get a boyfriend or just a simple hookup. Now that I'm 3 years older, things are getting more serious by the day and it's time for me to get a serious relationship.
I'm not ready, I've never been ready.
For the 6th time in a row my phone lights up. Incoming call, Mary Fox. When the call goes out a text replaces the call.
'Bitch, where are you? We already have a table?'
'Are you coming today?'
'Are you dead?'
'I'm coming over.'
The last text is just a minute ago, my fingers slide fast over the keyboard. Faster than my mind can even think.
'Don't come over, I'm on my way, got caught up at home.'
She sends back an eye rolling emoji. That's my usual excuse, I got caught up. It's not a lie, I usually get caught up in my thoughts, before I know it, it's 30 minutes later.
Before stepping out of the door I check the time once more. 8:36PM. Just 36 minutes late.
Completely out of breath, I arrive at the club we planned to meet exactly 47 minutes ago. I live in the heart of New York, meaning the club isn't too far away. Usually, I'm too lazy and take a cab anyway. Not today.
I wanted to feel the wind blowing through my hair, the feeling of being free, the feeling of being alive. A feeling many people would be jealous of. I am so lucky to be living the way I am.
A lovely family, both parents still together and madly in love, the best little sister I could ever wish for. That's why I feel like a brat for still feeling depressed and overworked sometimes.
"Are you even hearing me?" A yank to my arm rips me out of my deepest thoughts and I realize I've been standing in the door opening of the club for a while. "What's going on with you?" the tone in Cassidy her voice sounds worried. She is studying psychology, to be a therapist, so if there is anyone who would notice that I'm not okay, it's Cass.
"I'm fine." I lie. My cheeks flush a deep shade of red, I've never been good at lying. Thankfully, it's dark enough in the club for her not to notice.
Before we arrive at the table she grabs my arm once more to talk to me alone. "You know you can talk to me Kat, I am your best friend, and I want nothing more then for you to be happy." A warm feeling swarms in my heart and slowly spreads to every of all my 5'9 inches.
"Thanks Cas, love you." Before I know it, I have curled myself up into her embrace. I feel her head pressed tightly in between my collar and jaw. How I would love to have this feeling with a partner.
Seconds later I also feel Hazel's arms wrapped tightly around my waist. She must've seen me and Cassidy hug, and Hazel could never resist a hug. Not even with some creepy old guy. She would say 'that guy has feelings too, you know. How would you feel if you were all old and grumpy and no one would hug you.' I admire her for this mindset.
"Awh, all lovely dovely without me? What a bunch of bitches' you guys are. Come, I ordered another round of drinks for us." Her words slur away, a clear sign that she already had a few drinks too much and it's not even close to midnight yet.
Mary the party girl.
All 3 of us follow her exactly 14 steps to the booth.
I sit fully at the back, with my back to the wall. Having a clear view of the full restaurant, bar, and small kitchen. It is beautifully decorated. Red with black makes it seem luxurious.
"How was school today?" I ask in general, to keep my mind from drifting off once again.
"Oh it was so fun, I have this new kid in my class, we like to bully him." Mary begins, everyone stares at her in full shock. "He really deserves it, the way he acts, the way he..."
A set of eyes stare right at me, from a person sitting at the bar. His eyes are the darkest shade of brown, darker than the darkest chocolate, darker than the soul of a serial killer.
Slowly my eyes scan the rest of him, my jaw drops half to the floor. He is pulled tightly into a neat suit, a suit that looks handmade for him. The suit matches the interior of the club. Black and red, it fills perfectly with his dark hair and even darker eyes. This guy is the most beautiful person I have ever seen.
My heart seems to stop beating for a second. Every single sound around me becomes one blur when something moves in my stomach. It must be my dinner. I didn't have dinner...
A grin forms on his face the longer I stare at him. His cheeks light up together with the grin, and it is by far the most cutest thing I have ever seen.
"Earth to Kat?" Cassidy waves a hand in front of my face that catches my attention.
"Where are you with your thoughts? Somewhere on Mars? I asked about your day." When I don't answer her again, her eyes follow where my eyes were a few seconds ago. The most beautiful guy I've ever seen. "Who..." A pause. "The hell," another longer pause, "is that?!" Cassidy says a little too loud. The unknown guy seems to have heard it and laughs to himself.
God, let me disappear into an earth of oblivion.
"He looks delicious." She licks her lips and winks to him. Cassidy is definitely so much better in flirting then I am. I have lost this guy already, Cassidy put her claim on him.
"You know him?" I stay quiet and fidget with the elastic hair band in my hands. "You should go over to him, he seems to only have eyes for you." When I look up from the table, his face is indeed only focused on mine. This time a more serious and tight expression. This together with his suit almost makes him more intimidating.
To calm most of my nerves I take down 2 more shots. One actually meant for Hazel, she doesn't seem to mind.
Never in my life have I approached a guy before, but the longer I sit, the longer I soak in my own thoughts.
The grin appears on his face as he sees that I am walking over. I try to make the steps as small as possible, which extends the way over to the bar by at least another minute or two. Absolutely not long enough to calm down my nerves. There is a huge lump in my throat, one that I can't seem to swallow no matter what I do.
"H-hey." I say to him, taking a seat to the right of him. Sweat breaks across my forehead, trickling down my cheeks, ruining every bit of make-up I previously had on. When he says nothing, I introduce myself. "I'm Kat."
Finally, his face lifts up from his drink to meet my eyes. Up close he looks so much different. Even more beautiful when I thought that was impossible. Slight wrinkles that indicate he must be in his late twenties. Somehow his eyes seem a thousand times darker. The kind of eyes that I could drown myself in.
"James." He says, biting off the words.
"I saw you staring so I thought I would come over and introduce myself. Maybe we can get to know each other a bit." I don't know where the sudden bravery came from to speak all 24 words, probably the two shots kicking in.
I swipe a few lost hairs that clang to my face away.
"Has anyone ever told you, you look like a real princess." No longer do I have control over my body. My heart beats in a fast pace and my palms become sweaty. I wipe them at my dress, hoping he won't notice how nervous he makes me.
"I'm too straight forward, aren't I?" He doesn't seem to wait for an actual answer from me. "You'll have to excuse that."
"Don't worry James." His face turns away from me when I say his name. His breath holds, for at least 15 seconds. "It's something I could learn from."
"Can I buy you a drink?"
"I've had a lot to drink tonight already, not sure if that's a good idea." His face suddenly goes pale, all the emotions get sucked out all at once. "You know what? I have room for one more." James signs to the guy behind the bar, who instantly starts making two drinks. I didn't even have to tell him what I want.
"What do you do in your free time princess?" I'm finding my hands in my hair, seductively playing with the front pieces of my hair. This is how I saw they flirt in movies or books.
There is an attempt to bring out words, but none come.
I am stunned.
"I'm a last year medical student, so currently I am studying a lot for my exams. But besides that, I am extremely interested in fashion..." Even before I have the chance to speak more his eyes slide over my outfit to see if I'm speaking the truth. But all I'm wearing are some boots that reach just my ankles and a plain, short, black dress. "Well, I don't wear my type of fashion normally, people have too many opinions about my form of clothing."
He scoffs to himself.
"You shouldn't care so much about what others think. Wear what you want to wear, if people are staring, it's because they don't have the confidence that you have, and they are quite envious of that." The words hit me hard, right in the gut. I swallow them and take them in, throughout every inch of my body. They repeat a million times in my head.
The guy behind the bar brings two small glasses filled with an inch of what I think is liquor.
"What's this?" I ask to bring the conversation to a different subject. My weak attempt to stop my cheeks from glowing bright red.
"Glenglassaugh 1972." The dark tone in his voice gives me butterflies in my stomach once again.
This guy is going to be the death of me.
"That sounds expensive."
"Taste it." I do exactly as he says. I take down the shot in one tug. His eyes constantly on mine. A sweet taste forms in my mouth, my saliva forms its way around it. This is the best liquor I have ever had.
"Amazing, right?"
I wipe my mouth before saying, "wonderful."
"786,86 dollars." Suddenly I cough the whiskey back up, I could never afford this, I'm already deep in dept. My hand in front of my mouth is the only thing that keeps me from spitting it out.
"It's on me." James rests his hand on mine. A shock of electricity passes throughout my whole body.
He just touched me.
I turn around to see all 3 of my friends staring with wide eyes and loving smiles.
James gets up from the bar stool while holding onto me gently. He leaves a note on the bar next to my empty shot glass, pays the bartender, and leaves. His last words are. "See you another time princess." Leaving me completely flustered.
In the corner of the club, my friends are still sitting in the same booth, all signing for me to come over.
Before I join them I unfold the note.

Call me...

Next to it is his number. That's it. James wants me to call him. The note slides into my pocket, and while cheering I rush over to my friend's table.

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